Four scientists from Ulm among the world’s research elite
International publication analysis determines most influential scientists

Ulm University

Yet again, four scientists from Ulm University and Ulm University Hospital are among the most frequently cited researchers in the world in their fields. The annual ranking list "Highly Cited Researchers", published by the media corporation Thomson Reuters, again included Dr Dr Kelly Del Tredici-Braak and Professors Hartmut Döhner, Fedor Jelezko and Heiko Braak. They rank among the 187 top scientists in Germany listed in the publication analysis.

Local cancer researcher Professor Hartmut Döhner appears in the category "Clinical Medicine". The medical director of the Department of Internal Medicine III and coordinator of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm (CCCU) focuses his research efforts on the most common forms of adult leukaemia, acute myeloid and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

Professor Fedor Jelezko is also among the more than 3,200 scientists who, according to Thomson Reuters, make up the global research elite. The physicist heads the Institute of Quantum Optics at Ulm University and researches applications for artificial diamonds in quantum technologies.

In the field "Neuroscience and Behavioural Sciences", Professor Heiko Braak and Dr Dr Kelly Del Tredici-Braak are ranked among the most frequently cited scientists. The married couple conducts research together in the Ulm University Hospital Neurology Department at the Centre for Clinical Research. Their focus is on the field of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

The analysis conducted by Thomson Reuters records publications from the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and medicine which are most frequently cited by other scientists ("top 1 per cent") and are thus considered to be most influential. For the current ranking, just short of 129,000 publications from between the years of 2004 and 2014 were considered.


The publication analysis also lists scientists who work at institutes in close cooperation with universities, such as the Helmholtz Institute for Electrochemical Energy Storage.