Joint biomechanics
Chronic joint diseases and joint injuries are widespread clinical problems. Knee joints, specifically, are prone to permanent functional impairment frequently due to sports injuries. Lesions of knee ligaments, articular cartilage and menisci can be treated both conservatively or surgically. However, full restoration of joint function is not always successful frequently leading to early osteoarthritis and in the long-term even to the need for total joint replacement.
Our research focusses particularly on the functional restoration after cruciate ligament and meniscus lesions. We perform basic research on knee ligaments, articular cartilage and menisci and the mechanical and tribologic loads these structures are exposed to (previous DFG grant). Furthermore, we conduct in vitro and in vivo studies related to surgical intervention methods aiming to restore tissue function. Another research field we emphasise is to assess the mechanical properties of menisci in situ by imaging methods (e.g. MRI). The aim is to determine early degenerative changes in the meniscus (running DFG grant). Another research focus is total joint replacement. For example we perform studies on primary stability, migration and stress protection of total hip prostheses. Finally, we perform kinematical studies for example on knee-joint-braces. Various material testing machines, special joint simulators, custom made tribometers and a variety of measuring equipment are at our disposal.
Currently running DFG grant:
- Functional biomechanics of the healthy and degenerate meniscus
- Optimization von rehabilitation measurements after tear of meniscus
Currently running EU project:
- RESTORE: User-centred smart nanobiomaterial-based 3D matrices for chondral repair