
RegisterContact personBrief description
ObesityStefanie LanzingerComorbidity and medical care of obese children and adolescents
AGSStefanie LanzingerDocumentation of patients with adrenogenital syndrome
ALSGabriele NagelThe aim of the study is to establish the first epidemiologically defined register for ALS patients in Germany and to investigate the risk factors of ALS in a register-based case-control study.
AML-SGGabriele NagelRegistry study on the biological disease profile and clinical course of acute myeloid leukaemia and related precursor neoplasms and acute leukaemia of unclear lineage.
Huntington's diseaseJohanna BraischSeveral projects (registers, clinical studies) to investigate the natural course of the disease and initial therapeutic approaches (in co-operation with the Deptartment of Neurology at the University of Ulm)
DiabetesStefanie LanzingerLong-term documentation of all forms of diabetes in adults, children and adolescents
HypothyroidismStefanie LanzingerDocumentation of patients with connatal hypothyroidism