
ProjectPerson of contactShort description
Sample size calculation in animal experimentsBenjamin Mayer,
Rainer Muche
Adequate biometric planning of animal experiments, in particular with regard to valid and optimised planning of the required number of cases.
Statistical methods to deal with missing valuesBenjamin MayerMethods for dealing and replacing missing values in clinical data sets.
SAS-Macros for missing valuesBenjamin MayerSAS-Macros %MISSING and %MISSDESCRIPTION for diagnostics and replacement of missing values
Methods in health services researchBenjamin Mayer,
Jens Dreyhaupt
Dealing with missing values when analysing studies in health services research.
RandomisationFriederike Rohlmann,
Rainer Muche
Investigation of principles and methods as well as their parameter selection, of randomisation software and of corresponding sets of rules.
Prediction models, IDI, NRIRainer Muche,
Beate Einsiedler
SAS-Macros for prognostic  modellingRainer MucheDevelopment and validation of prognostic models based on logistic regression
Hierarchical and cluster-randomised trialsJens DreyhauptSample size and power estimation via simulation in studies with complex hierarchical data
Multistate- modelsKarin SchiefeleMultistate-models for time-to-event analysis, especially in oncology