Project team at the instituteGisela Büchele, Jon Genuneit, Gertrud Feike, Birgit Och


The birth cohort study is being conducted in predominantly rural areas throughout Europe in the 5 centres of Munich, Salzburg, Basel, Kuopio and Besançon.

The aim is to find out which exposures have an effect on the development of childhood atopic diseases. Furthermore, immunological and genetic mechanisms that determine individual reactions to these environmental influences are being investigated.

In the long term, these findings could be used to develop prevention strategies.

To this end, pregnant farm and non-farm women were targeted during antenatal classes. Each centre should recruit at least 100 farming and non-farming families and observe them over time.


Questionnaire survey:

- of exposures and disease outcomes at the following time points:

Pregnancy and at the child's age of 2 months, 1 year, 18 months, and further annual surveys (up to the child's current age of 6 years)

- Diaries were completed partly weekly, partly monthly at the age of

3-12 months. Data on breastfeeding, other nutrition, agricultural exposures, other lifestyle factors, etc. were collected



- Blood samples from mother, umbilical cord blood, father and child at various times, including for the determination of IgE, cytokines, DNA, RNA

- Breast milk, stool, cow's milk and dust samples at different times


Physical examinations at the ages of 1, 4 and 6 years (partly with determination of atopic dermatitis and measurement of lung function at different times)

Contribution of the institute

Development of the study design

Data management

Epidemiological evaluation of the data

Project duration2002 - 2012
Project partner

Prof. Dr Erika von Mutius (Dr von Hauner Children's Hospital, LMU Munich)

Prof Charlotte Braun-Fahrländer MD (Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine, Basel)

Prof Juha Pekkanen MD, PhD (Unit of Environmental Epidemiology, National Public Health Institute, Kuopio)

Prof Josef Riedler MD (Children's Hospital of the LKA, Salzburg)

Prof Jean-Charles Dalphin MD, PhD (UFR Faculté de Medicine&Pharmacie, Besancon)

Prof Harald Renz MD (Marburg)

Prof Dr Bert Brunekreef (Utrecht)

Prof Dr Michael Kabesch (Hanover)

Prof. Dr Roger Lauener (Davos)

Project funding

EU Quality of Life and Management of living Resources - Key action Environment and Health(FP5-QLK4-2001-00250)

EU Food Quality and Safety(FP6-FOOD-2004-TO)

Logo der finnisch sprechenden Studienzentren: Katze auf Bücherstapel
Logo der deutschsprachigen Studienzentren: Schriftzug Lukas in bunten Farben
Logo der französisch sprechenden Studienzentren: orange Blume