Research Group Liss - N27

Foto des Forschungsgebäudes N27 der Universität Ulm, in dem auch unser Institut untergebracht ist.
Research Building N27 - Photo: Ulm University

The research group for Molecular Neurophysiology at the Institute for Applied Physiology is located in the "Life Science" Building (N27, Entrance Meyerhofstrasse, upper floor).

We analyze age-dependent function and gene expression of individual neurons in view of their selective vulnerability to disease e.g. in Parkinson's disease, ALS, or Schizophrenia. Further information.


Photo by: Claudia Höhne


Andrea Holler (Dipl. BWL)
N27, Room 4.094

Phone:  +49 (0)731 500 36214
Fax:  +49 (0)731 500 36202
Email: andrea.holler(at)

Employees AG Liss