Spokesperson Prof. Dr. Timo Ropinski und Prof. Dr. Birte Grimm

The goal of KEMAI is to train and promote early career researchers working on the intersection of knowledge- and learning-based artificial intelligence (AI) systems focused on image-based, medical diagnosis. KEMAI is envisioned as an interdisciplinary Research Training Group (RTG), in which researchers from computer science, medicine, ethics and philosophy collaborate, in order to not only allow for state-of-the-art accuracy in medical diagnosis, but also to adequately communicate the obtained predictions by considering ethical implications. To work on these challenges, an innovative research program and a tightly linked structured qualification program form the cornerstones of KEMAI.

PI: Prof. Dr. Florian Steger
Doktorandin / Doktorand: N.N.
Laufzeit: 2025-2030
gefördert von: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)