Selected publications from our site application

Craig-Mueller N, Hammad R, Elling R, Alzubi J, Timm B, Kolter J, Knelangen N, Bednarski C, Gläser B, Ammann S, Ivics Z, Fischer J, Speckmann C, Schwarz K, Lachmann N, Ehl S, Moritz T, Henneke P and Cathomen T. Modeling MyD88 Deficiency In Vitro Provides New Insights in Its Function. Front Immunol. 2020; 11:608802.
Hachemi Y, Rapp AE, Lee S, Dorn A-K, Krüger BT, Kaiser K, Ignatius A and Tuckermann J. Intact Glucocorticoid Receptor Dimerization Is Deleterious in Trauma-Induced Impaired Fracture Healing. Front Immunol. 2020; 11:628287.
Mytilineos D, Tsamadou C, Neuchel C, Platzbecker U, Bunjes D, Schub N, Wagner-Drouet E, Wulf G, Kröger N, Murawski N, Einsele H, Schaefer-Eckart K, Freitag S, Casper J, Kaufmann M, Dürholt M, Hertenstein B, Klein S, Ringhoffer M, Mueller CR, Frank S, Schrezenmeier H, Fuerst D and Mytilineos J. The Human Leukocyte Antigen-DPB1 Degree of Compatibility Is Determined by Its Expression Level and Mismatch Permissiveness: A German Multicenter Analysis. Front Immunol. 2020; 11:614976.
Behnke A, Karabatsiakis A, Krumbholz A, Karrasch S, Schelling G, Kolassa I-T and Rojas R. Associating Emergency Medical Services personnel's workload, trauma exposure, and health with the cortisol, endocannabinoid, and N-acylethanolamine concentrations in their hair. Sci Rep. 2020; 10:22403.
Hadjadj J, Castro CN, Tusseau M, Stolzenberg M-C, Mazerolles F, Aladjidi N, Armstrong M, Ashrafian H, Cutcutache I, Ebetsberger-Dachs G, Elliott KS, Durieu I, Fabien N, Fusaro M, Heeg M, Schmitt Y, Bras M, Knight JC, Lega J-C, Lesca G, Mathieu A-L, Moreews M, Moreira B, Nosbaum A, Page M, Picard C, Ronan Leahy T, Rouvet I, Ryan E, Sanlaville D, Schwarz K, Skelton A, Viallard J-F, Viel S, Villard M, Callebaut I, Picard C, Walzer T, Ehl S, Fischer A, Neven B, Belot A and Rieux-Laucat F. Early-onset autoimmunity associated with SOCS1 haploinsufficiency. Nat Commun. 2020; 11:5341.
Kury P, Führer M, Fuchs S, Lorenz MR, Giorgetti OB, Bakhtiar S, Frei AP, Fisch P, Boehm T, Schwarz K, Speckmann C and Ehl S. Long-term robustness of a T-cell system emerging from somatic rescue of a genetic block in T-cell development. EBioMedicine. 2020; 59:102961.
Cherubini V, Grimsmann JM, Åkesson K, Birkebæk NH, Cinek O, Dovč K, Gesuita R, Gregory JW, Hanas R, Hofer SE, Holl RW, Jefferies C, Joner G, King BR, Mayer-Davis EJ, Peña AS, Rami-Merhar B, Schierloh U, Skrivarhaug T, Sumnik Z, Svensson J, Warner JT, Bratina N and Dabelea D. Temporal trends in diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of paediatric type 1 diabetes between 2006 and 2016: results from 13 countries in three continents. Diabetologia. 2020; 63:1530-1541.
Niehues T, Özgür TT, Bickes M, Waldmann R, Schöning J, Bräsen J, Hagel C, Ballmaier M, Klusmann J-H, Niedermayer A, Pannicke U, Enders A, Dückers G, Siepermann K, Hempel J, Schwarz K* and Viemann D*. Mutations of the gene FNIP1 associated with a syndromic autosomal recessive immunodeficiency with cardiomyopathy and pre-excitation syndrome. Eur J Immunol. 2020; 50:1078-1080. (*contributed equally)
Dost A, Bechtold S, Fink K, Bonfig W, Wiemann D, Kapellen TM, Witsch M, Schwab KO, Holl RW, for the initiative DPV-Science and the German Diabetes Research Center. 2017 American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guideline: Impact on Prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2020; 43:1311-1318.
Wegehaupt O, Groß M, Wehr C, Marks R, Schmitt-Graeff A, Uhl M, Lorenz M, Schwarz K, Kratz C, Niemeyer C and Ehl S. TIM-3 deficiency presenting with two clonally unrelated episodes of mesenteric and subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020; 67:e28302.
Heller S, Kölsch U, Magg T, Krüger R, Scheuern A, Schneider H, Eichinger A, Wahn V, Unterwalder N, Lorenz M, Schwarz K, Meisel C, Schulz A, Hauck F and von Bernuth H. T Cell Impairment Is Predictive for a Severe Clinical Course in NEMO Deficiency. J Clin Immunol. 2020; 40:421-434.
Tauschmann M, Hermann JM, Freiberg C, Papsch M, Thon A, Heidtmann B, Placzeck K, Agena D, Kapellen TM, Schenk B, Wolf J, Danne T, Rami-Merhar B and Holl RW on behalf of the DPV Initiative. Reduction in Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Severe Hypoglycemia in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes During the First Year of Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Multicenter Analysis of 3,553 Subjects From the DPV Registry. Diabetes Care. 2020; 43:e40-e42.
Łyszkiewicz M, Ziętara N, Frey L, Pannicke U, Stern M, Liu Y, Fan Y, Puchałka J, Hollizeck S, Somekh I, Rohlfs M, Yilmaz T, Ünal E, Karakukcu M, Patiroğlu T, Kellerer C, Karasu E, Sykora K-W, Lev A, Simon A, Somech R, Roesler J, Hoenig M, Keppler OT, Schwarz K and Klein C. Human FCHO1 deficiency reveals role for clathrin-mediated endocytosis in development and function of T cells. Nat Commun. 2020; 11:1031.
Jägle S, Heeg M, Grün S, Rensing-Ehl A, Maccari ME, Klemann C, Jones N, Lehmberg K, Bettoni C, Warnatz K, Grimbacher B, Biebl A, Schauer U, Hague R, Neth O, Mauracher A, Pachlopnik Schmid J, Fabre A, Kostyuchenko L, Führer M, Lorenz MR, Schwarz K, Rohr J and Ehl S. Distinct molecular response patterns of activating STAT3 mutations associate with penetrance of lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity. Clin Immunol. 2020; 210:108316.
Krüger R, Baumann U, Borte S, Kölsch U, Lorenz MR, Keller B, Harder I, Warnatz K, Ehl S, Schwarz K, Wahn V and von Bernuth H. Impaired polysaccharide responsiveness without agammaglobulinaemia in three patients with hypomorphic mutations in Bruton Tyrosine Kinase-No detection by newborn screening for primary immunodeficiencies. Scand J Immunol. 2020; 91:e12811.
Clément K, van den Akker E, Argente J, Bahm A, Chung WK, Connors H, De Waele K, Farooqi IS, Gonneau-Lejeune J, Gordon G, Kohlsdorf K, Poitou C, Puder L, Swain J, Stewart M, Yuan G, Wabitsch M*, Kühnen P*; for the Setmelanotide POMC and LEPR Phase 3 Trial Investigators. Efficacy and safety of setmelanotide, an MC4R agonist, in individuals with severe obesity due to LEPR or POMC deficiency: single-arm, open-label, multicentre, phase 3 trials. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020; 8:960-970. (*shared last author)
Domhardt M, Steubl L and Baumeister H. Internet- and Mobile-Based Interventions for Mental and Somatic Conditions in Children and Adolescents. Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr Psychother. 2020; 48:33-46.
Fathzadeh M, Li J, Rao A, Cook N, Chennamsetty I, Seldin M, Zhou X, Sangwung P, Gloudemans MJ, Keller M, Attie A, Yang J, Wabitsch M, Carcamo-Orive I, Tada Y, Lusis AJ, Shin MK, Molony CM, McLaughlin T, Reaven G, Montgomery SB, Reilly D, Quertermous T, Ingelsson E and Knowles JW. FAM13A affects body fat distribution and adipocyte function. Nat Commun. 2020; 11:1465.
Fegert JM, Vitiello B, Plener PL and Clemens V. Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality. Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health. 2020; 14:20.
Grimsmann JM, von Sengbusch S, Freff M, Ermer U, Placzek K, Danne T, Hammer E and Holl RW; for the DPV Initiative. Glucose Management Indicator Based on Sensor Data and Laboratory HbA(1c) in People With Type 1 Diabetes From the DPV Database: Differences by Sensor Type. Diabetes Care. 2020; 43:e111-e112.
Gumpp AM, Boeck C, Behnke A, Bach AM, Ramo-Fernández L, Welz T, Gündel H, Kolassa I-T* and Karabatsiakis A*. Childhood maltreatment is associated with changes in mitochondrial bioenergetics in maternal, but not in neonatal immune cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020; 117:24778-24784. (*contributed equally)
Kamrath C, Mönkemöller K, Biester T, Rohrer TR, Warncke K, Hammersen J and Holl RW. Ketoacidosis in Children and Adolescents With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. JAMA. 2020; 324:801-804.
Kraft R, Schlee W, Stach M, Reichert M, Langguth B, Baumeister H, Probst T, Hannemann R and Pryss R. Combining Mobile Crowdsensing and Ecological Momentary Assessments in the Healthcare Domain. Front Neurosci. 2020; 14:164.
Lausser L, Szekely R, Klimmek A, Schmid F and Kestler HA. Constraining classifiers in molecular analysis: invariance and robustness. J R Soc Interface. 2020; 17:20190612.
Lunkenheimer F, Domhardt M, Geirhos A, Kilian R, Mueller-Stierlin AS, Holl RW, Meissner T, Minden K, Moshagen M, Ranz R, Sachser C, Staab D, Warschburger P and Baumeister H; for the COACH consortium. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of guided Internet- and mobile-based CBT for adolescents and young adults with chronic somatic conditions and comorbid depression and anxiety symptoms (youthCOACH(CD)): study protocol for a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2020; 21:253.
Orzechowski M, Nowak M, Bielińska K, Chowaniec A, Doričić R, Ramšak M, Łuków P, Muzur A, Zupanič-Slavec Z and Steger F. Social diversity and access to healthcare in Europe: how does European Union's legislation prevent from discrimination in healthcare? BMC Public Health. 2020; 20:1399.
Orzechowski M, Schochow M, Kühl M and Steger F. Donor information in research and drug evaluation with induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Stem Cell Res Ther. 2020; 11:126.
Pryss R, Schlee W, Hoppenstedt B, Reichert M, Spiliopoulou M, Langguth B, Breitmayer M and Probst T. Applying Machine Learning to Daily-Life Data From the TrackYourTinnitus Mobile Health Crowdsensing Platform to Predict the Mobile Operating System Used With High Accuracy: Longitudinal Observational Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020; 22:e15547.
Reisser T, Halbgebauer D, Scheurer J, Wolf L, Leithäuser F, Beyersdorf N, Fischer-Posovszky P, Debatin K-M and Strauss G. In vitro-generated alloantigen-specific Th9 cells mediate antileukemia cytotoxicity in the absence of graft-versus-host disease. Leukemia. 2020; 34:1943-1948.
Sander LB, Paganini S, Terhorst Y, Schlicker S, Lin J, Spanhel K, Buntrock C, Ebert DD and Baumeister H. Effectiveness of a Guided Web-Based Self-help Intervention to Prevent Depression in Patients With Persistent Back Pain: The PROD-BP Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020; 77:1001-1011.
Scheurer J, Reisser T, Leithäuser F, Messmann JJ, Holzmann K, Debatin K-M and Strauss G. Rapamycin-based graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis increases the immunosuppressivity of myeloid-derived suppressor cells without affecting T cells and anti-tumor cytotoxicity. Clin Exp Immunol. 2020; 202:407-422.
Tittel SR, Rosenbauer J, Kamrath C, Ziegler J, Reschke F, Hammersen J, Mönkemöller K, Pappa A, Kapellen T and Holl RW; for the DPV Initiative. Did the COVID-19 Lockdown Affect the Incidence of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes in Germany? Diabetes Care. 2020; 43:e172-e173.
Wabitsch M, V Schnurbein J, Vollbach H, Lennerz B, Weyhreter H, Wiegand S, Kiess W, Hebebrand J and Brandt S. [Innovative medical care concepts for adolescents with severe obesity]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2020; 63:831-838.
Wunderlich AP, Schmidt SA, Mauro V, Kneller L, Kannengießer S, Beer M and Cario H. Liver Iron Content Determination Using a Volumetric Breath-Hold Gradient-Echo Sequence With In-Line R(2) * Calculation. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2020; 52:1550-1556.
Zinngrebe J, Debatin K-M and Fischer-Posovszky P. Adipocytes in hematopoiesis and acute leukemia: friends, enemies, or innocent bystanders? Leukemia. 2020; 34:2305-2316.
Zinngrebe J, Schlichtig F, Kraus JM, Meyer M, Boldrin E, Kestler HA, Meyer L-H, Fischer-Posovszky P and Debatin K-M. Biomarker profile for prediction of response to SMAC mimetic monotherapy in pediatric precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Int J Cancer. 2020; 146:3219-3231.
Baumeister H and Montag C (Eds.). Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing: New Developments in Psychoinformatics 2019; Cham: Springer Nature.
Braig S, Stalder T, Kirschbaum C, Rothenbacher D and Genuneit J. The association of potential stressors with hair steroids in parents with small children: The Ulm SPATZ health study. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019; 102:37-43.
El-Helou SM, Biegner A-K, Bode S, Ehl SR, Heeg M, Maccari ME, Ritterbusch H, Speckmann C, Rusch S, Scheible R, Warnatz K, Atschekzei F, Beider R, Ernst D, Gerschmann S, Jablonka A, Mielke G, Schmidt RE, Schürmann G, Sogkas G, Baumann UH, Klemann C, Viemann D, von Bernuth H, Krüger R, Hanitsch LG, Scheibenbogen CM, Wittke K, Albert MH, Eichinger A, Hauck F, Klein C, Rack-Hoch A, Sollinger FM, Avila A, Borte M, Borte S, Fasshauer M, Hauenherm A, Kellner N, Müller AH, Ülzen A, Bader P, Bakhtiar S, Lee J-Y, Heß U, Schubert R, Wölke S, Zielen S, Ghosh S, Laws H-J, Neubert J, Oommen PT, Hönig M, Schulz A, Steinmann S, Schwarz K, Dückers G, Lamers B, Langemeyer V, Niehues T, Shai S, Graf D, Müglich C, Schmalzing MT, Schwaneck EC, Tony H-P, Dirks J, Haase G, Liese JG, Morbach H, Foell D, Hellige A, Wittkowski H, Masjosthusmann K, Mohr M, Geberzahn L, Hedrich CM, Müller C, Rösen-Wolff A, Roesler J, Zimmermann A, Behrends U, Rieber N, Schauer U, Handgretinger R, Holzer U, Henes J, Kanz L, Boesecke C, Rockstroh JK, Schwarze-Zander C, Wasmuth J-C, Dilloo D, Hülsmann B, Schönberger S, Schreiber S, Zeuner R, Ankermann T, von Bismarck P, Huppertz H-I, Kaiser-Labusch P, Greil J, Jakoby D, Kulozik AE, Metzler M, Naumann-Bartsch N, Sobik B, Graf N, Heine S, Kobbe R, Lehmberg K, Müller I, Herrmann F, Horneff G, Klein A, Peitz J, Schmidt N, Bielack S, Groß-Wieltsch U, Classen CF, Klasen J, Deutz P, Kamitz D, Lassay L, Tenbrock K, Wagner N, Bernbeck B, Brummel B, Lara-Villacanas E, Münstermann E, Schneider DT, Tietsch N, Westkemper M, Weiß M, Kramm C, Kühnle I, Kullmann S, Girschick H, Specker C, Vinnemeier-Laubenthal E, Haenicke H, Schulz C, Schweigerer L, Müller TG, Stiefel M, Belohradsky BH, Soetedjo V, Kindle G and Grimbacher B. The German National Registry of Primary Immunodeficiencies (2012-2017). Front Immunol. 2019; 10:1272.
Giesselmann P, Brändl B, Raimondeau E, Bowen R, Rohrandt C, Tandon R, Kretzmer H, Assum G, Galonska C, Siebert R, Ammerpohl O, Heron A, Schneider SA, Ladewig J, Koch P, Schuldt BM, Graham JE, Meissner A and Müller F-J. Analysis of short tandem repeat expansions and their methylation state with nanopore sequencing. Nat Biotechnol. 2019; 37:1478-1481.
Groß A, Kracher B, Kraus JM, Kühlwein SD, Pfister AS, Wiese S, Luckert K, Pötz O, Joos T, Van Daele D, De Raedt L, Kühl M and Kestler HA. Representing dynamic biological networks with multi-scale probabilistic models. Commun Biol. 2019; 2:21.
Hellmuth C, Kirchberg FF, Brandt S, Moß A, Walter V, Rothenbacher D, Brenner H, Grote V, Gruszfeld D, Socha P, Closa-Monasterolo R, Escribano J, Luque V, Verduci E, Mariani B, Langhendries J-P, Poncelet P, Heinrich J, Lehmann I, Standl M, Uhl O, Koletzko B, Thiering E and Wabitsch M. An individual participant data meta-analysis on metabolomics profiles for obesity and insulin resistance in European children. Sci Rep. 2019; 9:5053.
Höchsmann B, Murakami Y, Osato M, Knaus A, Kawamoto M, Inoue N, Hirata T, Murata S, Anliker M, Eggermann T, Jäger M, Floettmann R, Höllein A, Murase S, Ueda Y, Nishimura J-I, Kanakura Y, Kohara N, Schrezenmeier H*, Krawitz PM* and Kinoshita T*. Complement and inflammasome overactivation mediates paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria with autoinflammation. J Clin Invest. 2019; 129:5123-5136. (*contributed equally)
Hoffmann B, Kobel S, Wartha O, Kettner S, Dreyhaupt J and Steinacker JM. High sedentary time in children is not only due to screen media use: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pediatr. 2019; 19:154.
Iype J, Datta M, Khadour A, Übelhart R, Nicolò A, Rollenske T, Dühren-von Minden M, Wardemann H, Maity PC and Jumaa H. Differences in Self-Recognition between Secreted Antibody and Membrane-Bound B Cell Antigen Receptor. J Immunol. 2019; 202:1417-1427.
Kobel S, Wartha O, Dreyhaupt J, Kettner S and Steinacker JM. Cross-sectional associations of objectively assessed sleep duration with physical activity, BMI and television viewing in German primary school children. BMC Pediatr. 2019; 19:54.
Kobel S, Wartha O, Lämmle C, Dreyhaupt J and Steinacker JM. Intervention effects of a kindergarten-based health promotion programme on obesity related behavioural outcomes and BMI percentiles. Prev Med Rep. 2019; 15:100931.
Lausser L, Schäfer LM, Schirra L-R, Szekely R, Schmid F and Kestler HA. Assessing phenotype order in molecular data. Sci Rep. 2019; 9:11746.
Lee JW, Sicre de Fontbrune F, Wong Lee Lee L, Pessoa V, Gualandro S, Füreder W, Ptushkin V, Rottinghaus ST, Volles L, Shafner L, Aguzzi R, Pradhan R, Schrezenmeier H and Hill A. Ravulizumab (ALXN1210) vs eculizumab in adult patients with PNH naive to complement inhibitors: the 301 study. Blood. 2019; 133:530-539.
Lennerz BS, Moss A, von Schnurbein J, Bickenbach A, Bollow E, Brandt S, Luetke-Brintrup D, Mühlig Y, Neef M, Ose C, Remy M, Stark R, Teuner C, Wolters B, Kiess W, Scherag A, Reinehr T, Holl RW, Holle R, Wiegand S, Hebebrand J and Wabitsch M. Do adolescents with extreme obesity differ according to previous treatment seeking behavior? The Youth with Extreme obesity Study (YES) cohort. Int J Obes (Lond). 2019; 43:103-115.
López C, Kleinheinz K, Aukema SM, Rohde M, Bernhart SH, Hübschmann D, Wagener R, Toprak UH, Raimondi F, Kreuz M, Waszak SM, Huang Z, Sieverling L, Paramasivam N, Seufert J, Sungalee S, Russell RB, Bausinger J, Kretzmer H, Ammerpohl O, Bergmann AK, Binder H, Borkhardt A, Brors B, Claviez A, Doose G, Feuerbach L, Haake A, Hansmann M-L, Hoell J, Hummel M, Korbel JO, Lawerenz C, Lenze D, Radlwimmer B, Richter J, Rosenstiel P, Rosenwald A, Schilhabel MB, Stein H, Stilgenbauer S, Stadler PF, Szczepanowski M, Weniger MA, Zapatka M, Eils R, Lichter P, Loeffler M, Möller P, Trümper L, Klapper W, Hoffmann S, Küppers R, Burkhardt B, Schlesner M and Siebert R. Genomic and transcriptomic changes complement each other in the pathogenesis of sporadic Burkitt lymphoma. Nat Commun. 2019; 10:1459.
Nolkemper D, Wiggert N, Müller S, Fegert JM and Kölch M. [Participation and Information in Child and Youth Psychiatry]. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr. 2019; 68:271-285.
Rojewski MT, Lotfi R, Gjerde C, Mustafa K, Veronesi E, Ahmed AB, Wiesneth M, Körper S, Sensebé L, Layrolle P, Hellem S and Schrezenmeier H. Translation of a standardized manufacturing protocol for mesenchymal stromal cells: A systematic comparison of validation and manufacturing data. Cytotherapy. 2019; 21:468-482.
Rubeis G and Steger F. Saving whom? The ethical challenges of harvesting tissue from savior siblings. Eur J Haematol. 2019; 103:478-482.
Rubeis G and Steger F. A burden from birth? Non-invasive prenatal testing and the stigmatization of people with disabilities. Bioethics. 2019; 33:91-97.
Setz CS, Khadour A, Renna V, Iype J, Gentner E, He X, Datta M, Young M, Nitschke L, Wienands J, Maity PC, Reth M and Jumaa H. Pten controls B-cell responsiveness and germinal center reaction by regulating the expression of IgD BCR. EMBO J. 2019; 38.
Tews D, Pula T, Funcke JB, Jastroch M, Keuper M, Debatin K-M, Wabitsch M and Fischer-Posovszky P. Elevated UCP1 levels are sufficient to improve glucose uptake in human white adipocytes. Redox Biol. 2019; 26:101286.
Volpi S, Cicalese MP, Tuijnenburg P, Tool ATJ, Cuadrado E, Abu-Halaweh M, Ahanchian H, Alzyoud R, Akdemir ZC, Barzaghi F, Blank A, Boisson B, Bottino C, Brigida I, Caorsi R, Casanova J-L, Chiesa S, Chinn IK, Dückers G, Enders A, Erichsen HC, Forbes LR, Gambin T, Gattorno M, Karimiani EG, Giliani S, Gold MS, Jacobsen E-M, Jansen MH, King JR, Laxer RM, Lupski JR, Mace E, Marcenaro S, Maroofian R, Meijer AB, Niehues T, Notarangelo LD, Orange J, Pannicke U, Pearson C, Picco P, Quinn PJ, Schulz A, Seeborg F, Stray-Pedersen A, Tawamie H, van Leeuwen EMM, Aiuti A, Yeung R, Schwarz K and Kuijpers TW. A combined immunodeficiency with severe infections, inflammation, and allergy caused by ARPC1B deficiency. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019; 143:2296-2299.
Ballmann M, Hubert D, Assael BM, Staab D, Hebestreit A, Naehrlich L, Nickolay T, Prinz N and Holl RW; for the CFRD Study Group. Repaglinide versus insulin for newly diagnosed diabetes in patients with cystic fibrosis: a multicentre, open-label, randomised trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2018; 6:114-121.
Bendig E, Bauereiß N, Ebert DD, Snoek F, Andersson G and Baumeister H. Internet-Based Interventions in Chronic Somatic Disease. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2018; 115:659-665.
Boege I, Herrmann J, Wolff JK, Hoffmann U, Koelch M, Kurepkat M, Lütte S, Naumann A, Nolting HD and Fegert JM. CCSchool: a multicentre, prospective study on improving continuum of care in children and adolescents with mental health problems associated with school problems in Germany. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018; 18:947.
Braig S, Genuneit J, Walter V, Brandt S, Wabitsch M, Goldbeck L, Brenner H and Rothenbacher D. Screen Time, Physical Activity and Self-Esteem in Children: The Ulm Birth Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018; 15.
Clemens V, Huber-Lang M, Plener PL, Brähler E, Brown RC and Fegert JM. Association of child maltreatment subtypes and long-term physical health in a German representative sample. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2018; 9:1510278.
Imkeller K, Scally SW, Bosch A, Martí GP, Costa G, Triller G, Murugan R, Renna V, Jumaa H, Kremsner PG, Sim BKL, Hoffman SL, Mordmüller B, Levashina EA, Julien J-P and Wardemann H. Antihomotypic affinity maturation improves human B cell responses against a repetitive epitope. Science. 2018; 360:1358-1362.
Koenen M, Culemann S, Vettorazzi S, Caratti G, Frappart L, Baum W, Krönke G, Baschant U and Tuckermann JP. Glucocorticoid receptor in stromal cells is essential for glucocorticoid-mediated suppression of inflammation in arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2018; 77:1610-1618.
Koenig AM, Karabatsiakis A, Stoll T, Wilker S, Hennessy T, Hill MM and Kolassa I-T. Serum profile changes in postpartum women with a history of childhood maltreatment: a combined metabolite and lipid fingerprinting study. Sci Rep. 2018; 8:3468.
Kohlsdorf K, Nunziata A, Funcke J-B, Brandt S, von Schnurbein J, Vollbach H, Lennerz B, Fritsch M, Greber-Platzer S, Fröhlich-Reiterer E, Luedeke M, Borck G, Debatin K-M, Fischer-Posovszky P and Wabitsch M. Early childhood BMI trajectories in monogenic obesity due to leptin, leptin receptor, and melanocortin 4 receptor deficiency. Int J Obes (Lond). 2018; 42:1602-1609.
Kraus JM, Lausser L, Kuhn P, Jobst F, Bock M, Halanke C, Hummel M, Heuschmann P and Kestler HA. Big data and precision medicine: challenges and strategies with healthcare data. Int J Data Sci Anal. 2018; 6(3):241-249.
Lausser L, Szekely R, Schirra L-R and Kestler HA. The Influence of Multi-class Feature Selection on the Prediction of Diagnostic Phenotypes. Neural Process Lett. 2018; 48(2, SI):863-880.
Lenglet M, Robriquet F, Schwarz K, Camps C, Couturier A, Hoogewijs D, Buffet A, Knight SJL, Gad S, Couvé S, Chesnel F, Pacault M, Lindenbaum P, Job S, Dumont S, Besnard T, Cornec M, Dreau H, Pentony M, Kvikstad E, Deveaux S, Burnichon N, Ferlicot S, Vilaine M, Mazzella J-M, Airaud F, Garrec C, Heidet L, Irtan S, Mantadakis E, Bouchireb K, Debatin K-M, Redon R, Bezieau S, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Teh BT, Girodon F, Randi M-L, Putti MC, Bours V, Van Wijk R, Göthert JR, Kattamis A, Janin N, Bento C, Taylor JC, Arlot-Bonnemains Y, Richard S, Gimenez-Roqueplo A-P, Cario H and Gardie B. Identification of a new VHL exon and complex splicing alterations in familial erythrocytosis or von Hippel-Lindau disease. Blood. 2018; 132:469-483.
Rubeis G, Schochow M and Steger F. Patient Autonomy and Quality of Care in Telehealthcare. Sci Eng Ethics. 2018; 24:93-107.
Schickler M, Pryss R, Schlee W, Probst T, Langguth B, Schobel J and Reichert M. Usability Study on Mobile Processes Enabling Remote Therapeutic Interventions. 31st IEEE Int Symp on Computer-Based Medical Systems. 2018; 146-151.
Schobel J, Pryss R, Probst T, Schlee W, Schickler M and Reichert M. Learnability of a Configurator Empowering End Users to Create Mobile Data Collection Instruments: Usability Study. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2018; 6:e148.
Bohn B, Wiegand S, Kiess W, Reinehr T, Stachow R, Oepen J, Langhof H, Hermann T, Widhalm K, Wabitsch M, Gellhaus I, Holl RW; for the APV Initiative and the German Competence Network Obesity. Changing Characteristics of Obese Children and Adolescents Entering Pediatric Lifestyle Intervention Programs in Germany over the Last 11 Years: An Adiposity Patients Registry Multicenter Analysis of 65,453 Children and Adolescents. Obesity facts. 2017; 10:517-530.
Hoenig M, Lagresle-Peyrou C, Pannicke U, Notarangelo LD, Porta F, Gennery AR, Slatter M, Cowan MJ, Stepensky P, Al-Mousa H, Al-Zahrani D, Pai S-Y, Al Herz W, Gaspar HB, Veys P, Oshima K, Imai K, Yabe H, Noroski LM, Wulffraat NM, Sykora K-W, Soler-Palacin P, Muramatsu H, Al Hilali M, Moshous D, Debatin K-M, Schuetz C, Jacobsen E-M, Schulz AS, Schwarz K, Fischer A, Friedrich W and Cavazzana M; for the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) Inborn Errors Working Party. Reticular dysgenesis: international survey on clinical presentation, transplantation, and outcome. Blood. 2017; 129:2928-2938.
Karges B, Schwandt A, Heidtmann B, Kordonouri O, Binder E, Schierloh U, Boettcher C, Kapellen T, Rosenbauer J and Holl RW. Association of Insulin Pump Therapy vs Insulin Injection Therapy With Severe Hypoglycemia, Ketoacidosis, and Glycemic Control Among Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes. JAMA. 2017; 318:1358-1366.
Kesztyüs D, Lauer R, Kesztyüs T, Kilian R and Steinacker JM; for the “Join the Healthy Boat” Study Group. Costs and effects of a state-wide health promotion program in primary schools in Germany - the Baden-Württemberg Study: A cluster-randomized, controlled trial. PLoS One. 2017; 12:e0172332.
Knuplesch D, Reichert M and Kumar A. A framework for visually monitoring business process compliance. Inf Syst. 2017; 64:381-409.
Mueller KM, Hartmann K, Kaltenecker D, Vettorazzi S, Bauer M, Mauser L, Amann S, Jall S, Fischer K, Esterbauer H, Müller TD, Tschöp MH, Magnes C, Haybaeck J, Scherer T, Bordag N, Tuckermann JP* and Moriggl R*. Adipocyte Glucocorticoid Receptor Deficiency Attenuates Aging- and HFD-Induced Obesity and Impairs the Feeding-Fasting Transition. Diabetes. 2017; 66:272-286. (*equal contribution and correspondence)
Münch V, Trentin L, Herzig J, Demir S, Seyfried F, Kraus JM, Kestler HA, Köhler R, Barth TFE, Te Kronnie G, Debatin K-M* and Meyer L-H*. Central nervous system involvement in acute lymphoblastic leukemia is mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor. Blood. 2017; 130:643-654. (*shared senior authorship)
Wahl S, Drong A, Lehne B, Loh M, Scott WR, Kunze S, Tsai P-C, Ried JS, Zhang W, Yang Y, Tan S, Fiorito G, Franke L, Guarrera S, Kasela S, Kriebel J, Richmond RC, Adamo M, Afzal U, Ala-Korpela M, Albetti B, Ammerpohl O, Apperley JF, Beekman M, Bertazzi PA, Black SL, Blancher C, Bonder M-J, Brosch M, Carstensen-Kirberg M, de Craen AJM, de Lusignan S, Dehghan A, Elkalaawy M, Fischer K, Franco OH, Gaunt TR, Hampe J, Hashemi M, Isaacs A, Jenkinson A, Jha S, Kato N, Krogh V, Laffan M, Meisinger C, Meitinger T, Mok ZY, Motta V, Ng HK, Nikolakopoulou Z, Nteliopoulos G, Panico S, Pervjakova N, Prokisch H, Rathmann W, Roden M, Rota F, Rozario MA, Sandling JK, Schafmayer C, Schramm K, Siebert R, Slagboom PE, Soininen P, Stolk L, Strauch K, Tai E-S, Tarantini L, Thorand B, Tigchelaar EF, Tumino R, Uitterlinden AG, van Duijn C, van Meurs JBJ, Vineis P, Wickremasinghe AR, Wijmenga C, Yang T-P, Yuan W, Zhernakova A, Batterham RL, Smith GD, Deloukas P, Heijmans BT, Herder C, Hofman A, Lindgren CM, Milani L, van der Harst P, Peters A, Illig T, Relton CL, Waldenberger M, Järvelin M-R, Bollati V, Soong R, Spector TD, Scott J, McCarthy MI, Elliott P, Bell JT, Matullo G, Gieger C, Kooner JS, Grallert H and Chambers JC. Epigenome-wide association study of body mass index, and the adverse outcomes of adiposity. Nature. 2017; 541:81-86.
Bens S, Kolarova J, Beygo J, Buiting K, Caliebe A, Eggermann T, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, Prawitt D, Thiele-Schmitz S, Begemann M, Enklaar T, Gutwein J, Haake A, Paul U, Richter J, Soellner L, Vater I, Monk D, Horsthemke B, Ammerpohl O and Siebert R. Phenotypic spectrum and extent of DNA methylation defects associated with multilocus imprinting disturbances. Epigenomics. 2016; 8:801-16.
Boeck C, Koenig AM, Schury K, Geiger ML, Karabatsiakis A, Wilker S, Waller C, Gündel H, Fegert JM, Calzia E and Kolassa I-T. Inflammation in adult women with a history of child maltreatment: The involvement of mitochondrial alterations and oxidative stress. Mitochondrion. 2016; 30:197-207.
Felgentreff K, Baxi SN, Lee YN, Dobbs K, Henderson LA, Csomos K, Tsitsikov EN, Armanios M, Walter JE and Notarangelo LD. Ligase-4 Deficiency Causes Distinctive Immune Abnormalities in Asymptomatic Individuals. J Clin Immunol. 2016; 36:341-53.
Kyu HH, Pinho C, Wagner JA, Brown JC, Bertozzi-Villa A, Charlson FJ, Coffeng LE, Dandona L, Erskine HE, Ferrari AJ, Fitzmaurice C, Fleming TD, Forouzanfar MH, Graetz N, Guinovart C, Haagsma J, Higashi H, Kassebaum NJ, Larson HJ, Lim SS, Mokdad AH, Moradi-Lakeh M, Odell SV, Roth GA, Serina PT, Stanaway JD, Misganaw A, Whiteford HA, Wolock TM, Wulf Hanson S, Abd-Allah F, Abera SF, Abu-Raddad LJ, AlBuhairan FS, Amare AT, Antonio CAT, Artaman A, Barker-Collo SL, Barrero LH, Benjet C, Bensenor IM, Bhutta ZA, Bikbov B, Brazinova A, Campos-Nonato I, Castañeda-Orjuela CA, Catalá-López F, Chowdhury R, Cooper C, Crump JA, Dandona R, Degenhardt L, Dellavalle RP, Dharmaratne SD, Faraon EJA, Feigin VL, Fürst T, Geleijnse JM, Gessner BD, Gibney KB, Goto A, Gunnell D, Hankey GJ, Hay RJ, Hornberger JC, Hosgood HD, Hu G, Jacobsen KH, Jayaraman SP, Jeemon P, Jonas JB, Karch A, Kim D, Kim S, Kokubo Y, Kuate Defo B, Kucuk Bicer B, Kumar GA, Larsson A, Leasher JL, Leung R, Li Y, Lipshultz SE, Lopez AD, Lotufo PA, Lunevicius R, Lyons RA, Majdan M, Malekzadeh R, Mashal T, Mason-Jones AJ, Melaku YA, Memish ZA, Mendoza W, Miller TR, Mock CN, Murray J, Nolte S, Oh I-H, Olusanya BO, Ortblad KF, Park E-K, Paternina Caicedo AJ, Patten SB, Patton GC, Pereira DM, Perico N, Piel FB, Polinder S, Popova S, Pourmalek F, Quistberg DA, Remuzzi G, Rodriguez A, Rojas-Rueda D, Rothenbacher D, Rothstein DH, Sanabria J, Santos IS, Schwebel DC, Sepanlou SG, Shaheen A, Shiri R, Shiue I, Skirbekk V, Sliwa K, Sreeramareddy CT, Stein DJ, Steiner TJ, Stovner LJ, Sykes BL, Tabb KM, Terkawi AS, Thomson AJ, Thorne-Lyman AL, Towbin JA, Ukwaja KN, Vasankari T, Venketasubramanian N, Vlassov VV, Vollset SE, Weiderpass E, Weintraub RG, Werdecker A, Wilkinson JD, Woldeyohannes SM, Wolfe CDA, Yano Y, Yip P, Yonemoto N, Yoon S-J, Younis MZ, Yu C, El Sayed Zaki M, Naghavi M, Murray CJL and Vos T. Global and National Burden of Diseases and Injuries Among Children and Adolescents Between 1990 and 2013: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease 2013 Study. JAMA Pediatr. 2016; 170:267-87.
Logan C, Zittel T, Striebel S, Reister F, Brenner H, Rothenbacher D and Genuneit J. Changing Societal and Lifestyle Factors and Breastfeeding Patterns Over Time. Pediatrics. 2016; 137.
Roos J, Enlund E, Funcke J-B, Tews D, Holzmann K, Debatin K-M, Wabitsch M and Fischer-Posovszky P. miR-146a-mediated suppression of the inflammatory response in human adipocytes. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:38339.
Braig S, Grabher F, Ntomchukwu C, Reister F, Stalder T, Kirschbaum C, Genuneit J and Rothenbacher D. Determinants of maternal hair cortisol concentrations at delivery reflecting the last trimester of pregnancy. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2015; 52:289-96.
Brandt S, Moß A, Koenig W, Rothenbacher D, Brenner H and Wabitsch M. Intrafamilial associations of cardiometabolic risk factors--results of the Ulm Birth Cohort Study. Atherosclerosis. 2015; 240:174-183.
Dobbs K, Domínguez Conde C, Zhang S-Y, Parolini S, Audry M, Chou J, Haapaniemi E, Keles S, Bilic I, Okada S, Massaad MJ, Rounioja S, Alwahadneh AM, Serwas NK, Capuder K, Çiftçi E, Felgentreff K, Ohsumi TK, Pedergnana V, Boisson B, Haskoloğlu Ş, Ensari A, Schuster M, Moretta A, Itan Y, Patrizi O, Rozenberg F, Lebon P, Saarela J, Knip M, Petrovski S, Goldstein DB, Parrott RE, Savas B, Schambach A, Tabellini G, Bock C, Chatila TA, Comeau AM, Geha RS, Abel L, Buckley RH, İkincioğulları A, Al-Herz W, Helminen M, Doğu F, Casanova J-L, Boztuğ K and Notarangelo LD. Inherited DOCK2 Deficiency in Patients with Early-Onset Invasive Infections. N Engl J Med. 2015; 372:2409-22.
Dyke SOM, Cheung WA, Joly Y, Ammerpohl O, Lutsik P, Rothstein MA, Caron M, Busche S, Bourque G, Rönnblom L, Flicek P, Beck S, Hirst M, Stunnenberg H, Siebert R, Walter J and Pastinen T. Epigenome data release: a participant-centered approach to privacy protection. Genome Biol. 2015; 16:142.
Felgentreff K, Lee YN, Frugoni F, Du L, van der Burg M, Giliani S, Tezcan I, Reisli I, Mejstrikova E, de Villartay J-P, Sleckman BP, Manis J and Notarangelo LD. Functional analysis of naturally occurring DCLRE1C mutations and correlation with the clinical phenotype of ARTEMIS deficiency. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015; 136:140-150.e7.
Kelly RJ, Höchsmann B, Szer J, Kulasekararaj A, de Guibert S, Röth A, Weitz IC, Armstrong E, Risitano AM, Patriquin CJ, Terriou L, Muus P, Hill A, Turner MP, Schrezenmeier H and Peffault de Latour R. Eculizumab in Pregnant Patients with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. N Engl J Med. 2015; 373:1032-9.
Kretzmer H, Bernhart SH, Wang W, Haake A, Weniger MA, Bergmann AK, Betts MJ, Carrillo-de-Santa-Pau E, Doose G, Gutwein J, Richter J, Hovestadt V, Huang B, Rico D, Jühling F, Kolarova J, Lu Q, Otto C, Wagener R, Arnolds J, Burkhardt B, Claviez A, Drexler HG, Eberth S, Eils R, Flicek P, Haas S, Humme M, Karsch D, Kerstens HHD, Klapper W, Kreuz M, Lawerenz C, Lenzek D, Loeffler M, López C, MacLeod RAF, Martens JHA, Kulis M, Martín-Subero JI, Möller P, Nage I, Picelli S, Vater I, Rohde M, Rosenstiel P, Rosolowski M, Russell RB, Schilhabel M, Schlesner M, Stadler PF, Szczepanowski M, Trümper L, Stunnenberg HG, Küppers R, Ammerpohl O, Lichter P, Siebert R, Hoffmann S and Radlwimmer B. DNA methylome analysis in Burkitt and follicular lymphomas identifies differentially methylated regions linked to somatic mutation and transcriptional control. Nat Genet. 2015; 47:1316-1325.
Kulis M, Merkel A, Heath S, Queirós AC, Schuyler RP, Castellano G, Beekman R, Raineri E, Esteve A, Clot G, Verdaguer-Dot N, Duran-Ferrer M, Russiñol N, Vilarrasa-Blasi R, Ecker S, Pancaldi V, Rico D, Agueda L, Blanc J, Richardson D, Clarke L, Datta A, Pascual M, Agirre X, Prosper F, Alignani D, Paiva B, Caron G, Fest T, Muench MO, Fomin ME, Lee S-T, Wiemels JL, Valencia A, Gut M, Flicek P, Stunnenberg HG, Siebert R, Küppers R, Gut IG, Campo E and Martín-Subero JI. Whole-genome fingerprint of the DNA methylome during human B cell differentiation. Nat Genet. 2015; 47:746-756.
Messmann JJ, Reisser T, Leithäuser F, Lutz MB, Debatin K-M and Strauss G. In vitro-generated MDSCs prevent murine GVHD by inducing type 2 T cells without disabling antitumor cytotoxicity. Blood. 2015; 126:1138-48.
Übelhart R, Hug E, Bach MP, Wossning T, Dühren-von Minden M, Horn AHC, Tsiantoulas D, Kometani K, Kurosaki T, Binder CJ, Sticht H, Nitschke L, Reth M and Jumaa H. Responsiveness of B cells is regulated by the hinge region of IgD. Nat Immunol. 2015; 16:534-43.
Vettorazzi S, Bode C, Dejager L, Frappart L, Shelest E, Klaßen C, Tasdogan A, Reichardt HM, Libert C, Schneider M, Weih F, Henriette Uhlenhaut N, David J-P, Gräler M, Kleiman A and Tuckermann JP. Glucocorticoids limit acute lung inflammation in concert with inflammatory stimuli by induction of SphK1. Nat Commun. 2015; 6:7796.
Wabitsch M, Funcke J-B, Lennerz B, Kuhnle-Krahl U, Lahr G, Debatin K-M, Vatter P, Gierschik P, Moepps B and Fischer-Posovszky P. Biologically inactive leptin and early-onset extreme obesity. N Engl J Med. 2015; 372:48-54.
Bento C, Percy MJ, Gardie B, Maia TM, van Wijk R, Perrotta S, Della Ragione F, Almeida H, Rossi C, Girodon F, Aström M, Neumann D, Schnittger S, Landin B, Minkov M, Randi ML, Richard S, Casadevall N, Vainchenker W, Rives S, Hermouet S, Ribeiro ML, McMullin MF, Cario H, Chauveau A, Gimenez-Roqueplo A-P, Bressac-de-Paillerets B, Altindirek D, Lorenzo F, Lambert F, Dan H, Gad-Lapiteau S, Catarina Oliveira A, Rossi C, Fraga C, Taradin G, Martin-Nuñez G, Vitória H, Diaz Aguado H, Palmblad J, Vidán J, Relvas L, Ribeiro ML, Luigi Larocca M, Luigia Randi M, Pedro Silveira M, Percy M, Gross M, Marques da Costa R, Beshara S, Ben-Ami T and Ugo V. Genetic basis of congenital erythrocytosis: mutation update and online databases. Hum Mutat. 2014; 35:15-26.
Felgentreff K, Du L, Weinacht KG, Dobbs K, Bartish M, Giliani S, Schlaeger T, DeVine A, Schambach A, Woodbine LJ, Davies G, Baxi SN, van der Burg M, Bleesing J, Gennery A, Manis J, Pan-Hammarström Q and Notarangelo LD. Differential role of nonhomologous end joining factors in the generation, DNA damage response, and myeloid differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014; 111:8889-94.
Höchsmann B, Dohna-Schwake C, Kyrieleis HA, Pannicke U and Schrezenmeier H. Targeted therapy with eculizumab for inherited CD59 deficiency. N Engl J Med. 2014; 370:90-2.
Karabatsiakis A, Böck C, Salinas-Manrique J, Kolassa S, Calzia E, Dietrich DE and Kolassa I-T. Mitochondrial respiration in peripheral blood mononuclear cells correlates with depressive subsymptoms and severity of major depression. Transl Psychiatry. 2014; 4:e397.
Lennerz BS, Wabitsch M, Lippert H, Wolff S, Knoll C, Weiner R, Manger T, Kiess W and Stroh C. Bariatric surgery in adolescents and young adults--safety and effectiveness in a cohort of 345 patients. Int J Obes (Lond). 2014; 38:334-340.
Morath J, Moreno-Villanueva M, Hamuni G, Kolassa S, Ruf-Leuschner M, Schauer M, Elbert T, Bürkle A and Kolassa I-T. Effects of psychotherapy on DNA strand break accumulation originating from traumatic stress. Psychother Psychosom. 2014; 83:289-297.
Salaverria I, Martin-Guerrero I, Wagener R, Kreuz M, Kohler CW, Richter J, Pienkowska-Grela B, Adam P, Burkhardt B, Claviez A, Damm-Welk C, Drexler HG, Hummel M, Jaffe ES, Küppers R, Lefebvre C, Lisfeld J, Löffler M, Macleod RAF, Nagel I, Oschlies I, Rosolowski M, Russell RB, Rymkiewicz G, Schindler D, Schlesner M, Scholtysik R, Schwaenen C, Spang R, Szczepanowski M, Trümper L, Vater I, Wessendorf S, Klapper W and Siebert R; for the Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphoma Network Project and Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Group. A recurrent 11q aberration pattern characterizes a subset of MYC-negative high-grade B-cell lymphomas resembling Burkitt lymphoma. Blood. 2014; 123:1187-98.
Ahrens M*, Ammerpohl O*, von Schönfels W*, Kolarova J, Bens S, Itzel T, Teufel A, Herrmann A, Brosch M, Hinrichsen H, Erhart W, Egberts J, Sipos B, Schreiber S, Häsler R, Stickel F, Becker T, Krawczak M, Röcken C, Siebert R, Schafmayer C and Hampe J. DNA methylation analysis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease suggests distinct disease-specific and remodeling signatures after bariatric surgery. Cell Metab. 2013; 18:296-302. (*contributed equally)
Cario H, McMullin MF, Bento C, Pospisilova D, Percy MJ, Hussein K, Schwarz J, Aström M and Hermouet S. Erythrocytosis in children and adolescents-classification, characterization, and consensus recommendations for the diagnostic approach. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2013; 60:1734-8.
Hartmann N, Messmann JJ, Leithäuser F, Weiswange M, Kluge M, Fricke H, Debatin K-M and Strauss G. Recombinant CD95-Fc (APG101) prevents graft-versus-host disease in mice without disabling antitumor cytotoxicity and T-cell functions. Blood. 2013; 121:556-65.
Pannicke U, Baumann B, Fuchs S, Henneke P, Rensing-Ehl A, Rizzi M, Janda A, Hese K, Schlesier M, Holzmann K, Borte S, Laux C, Rump E-M, Rosenberg A, Zelinski T, Schrezenmeier H, Wirth T, Ehl S, Schroeder ML and Schwarz K. Deficiency of innate and acquired immunity caused by an IKBKB mutation. N Engl J Med. 2013; 369:2504-14.
Rassenhofer M, Spröber N, Schneider T and Fegert JM. Listening to victims: use of a Critical Incident Reporting System to enable adult victims of childhood sexual abuse to participate in a political reappraisal process in Germany. Child Abuse Negl. 2013; 37:653-63.
Shlipak MG, Matsushita K, Ärnlöv J, Inker LA, Katz R, Polkinghorne KR, Rothenbacher D, Sarnak MJ, Astor BC, Coresh J, Levey AS and Gansevoort RT; for the CKD Prognosis Consortium. Cystatin C versus creatinine in determining risk based on kidney function. N Engl J Med. 2013; 369:932-43.
Dühren-von Minden M, Übelhart R, Schneider D, Wossning T, Bach MP, Buchner M, Hofmann D, Surova E, Follo M, Köhler F, Wardemann H, Zirlik K, Veelken H and Jumaa H. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is driven by antigen-independent cell-autonomous signalling. Nature. 2012; 489:309-12.
Fekete N, Rojewski MT, Fürst D, Kreja L, Ignatius A, Dausend J and Schrezenmeier H. GMP-compliant isolation and large-scale expansion of bone marrow-derived MSC. PloS one. 2012; 7:e43255.
Moss A, Klenk J, Simon K, Thaiss H, Reinehr T and Wabitsch M. Declining prevalence rates for overweight and obesity in German children starting school. Eur J Pediatr. 2012; 171:289-299.
Richter J, Schlesner M, Hoffmann S, Kreuz M, Leich E, Burkhardt B, Rosolowski M, Ammerpohl O, Wagener R, Bernhart SH, Lenze D, Szczepanowski M, Paulsen M, Lipinski S, Russell RB, Adam-Klages S, Apic G, Claviez A, Hasenclever D, Hovestadt V, Hornig N, Korbel JO, Kube D, Langenberger D, Lawerenz C, Lisfeld J, Meyer K, Picelli S, Pischimarov J, Radlwimmer B, Rausch T, Rohde M, Schilhabel M, Scholtysik R, Spang R, Trautmann H, Zenz T, Borkhardt A, Drexler HG, Möller P, MacLeod RAF, Pott C, Schreiber S, Trümper L, Loeffler M, Stadler PF, Lichter P, Eils R, Küppers R, Hummel M, Klapper W, Rosenstiel P, Rosenwald A, Brors B and Siebert R; for the ICGC MMML-Seq Project. Recurrent mutation of the ID3 gene in Burkitt lymphoma identified by integrated genome, exome and transcriptome sequencing. Nat Genet. 2012; 44:1316-20.
Shroff R, Beringer O, Rao K, Hofbauer LC and Schulz A. Denosumab for post-transplantation hypercalcemia in osteopetrosis. N Engl J Med. 2012; 367:1766-7.
Cario H, Smith DEC, Blom H, Blau N, Bode H, Holzmann K, Pannicke U, Hopfner K-P, Rump E-M, Ayric Z, Kohne E, Debatin K-M, Smulders Y and Schwarz K. Dihydrofolate reductase deficiency due to a homozygous DHFR mutation causes megaloblastic anemia and cerebral folate deficiency leading to severe neurologic disease. Am J Hum Genet. 2011; 88:226-31.
Felgentreff K, Perez-Becker R, Speckmann C, Schwarz K, Kalwak K, Markelj G, Avcin T, Qasim W, Davies EG, Niehues T and Ehl S. Clinical and immunological manifestations of patients with atypical severe combined immunodeficiency. Clin Immunol. 2011; 141:73-82.
Fischer-Posovszky P, Wang QA, Asterholm IW, Rutkowski JM and Scherer PE. Targeted deletion of adipocytes by apoptosis leads to adipose tissue recruitment of alternatively activated M2 macrophages. Endocrinology. 2011; 152:3074-81.
Meyer LH, Eckhoff SM, Queudeville M, Kraus JM, Giordan M, Stursberg J, Zangrando A, Vendramini E, Möricke A, Zimmermann M, Schrauder A, Lahr G, Holzmann K, Schrappe M, Basso G, Stahnke K, Kestler HA, Te Kronnie G and Debatin K-M. Early relapse in ALL is identified by time to leukemia in NOD/SCID mice and is characterized by a gene signature involving survival pathways. Cancer Cell. 2011; 19:206-17.
Schulz AS, Glatting G, Hoenig M, Schuetz C, Gatz SA, Grewendorf S, Sparber-Sauer M, Muche R, Blumstein N, Kropshofer G, Suttorp M, Bunjes D, Debatin K-M, Reske SN and Friedrich W. Radioimmunotherapy-based conditioning for hematopoietic cell transplantation in children with malignant and nonmalignant diseases. Blood. 2011; 117:4642-50.
Gennery AR, Slatter MA, Grandin L, Taupin P, Cant AJ, Veys P, Amrolia PJ, Gaspar HB, Davies EG, Friedrich W, Hoenig M, Notarangelo LD, Mazzolari E, Porta F, Bredius RGM, Lankester AC, Wulffraat NM, Seger R, Güngör T, Fasth A, Sedlacek P, Neven B, Blanche S, Fischer A, Cavazzana-Calvo M and Landais P; for the Inborn Errors Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; European Society for Immunodeficiency. Transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells and long-term survival for primary immunodeficiencies in Europe: entering a new century, do we do better? J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010; 126:602-10.e1-11.
Rauch A, Seitz S, Baschant U, Schilling AF, Illing A, Stride B, Kirilov M, Mandic V, Takacz A, Schmidt-Ullrich R, Ostermay S, Schinke T, Spanbroek R, Zaiss MM, Angel PE, Lerner UH, David J-P, Reichardt HM, Amling M, Schütz G and Tuckermann JP. Glucocorticoids suppress bone formation by attenuating osteoblast differentiation via the monomeric glucocorticoid receptor. Cell Metab. 2010; 11:517-31.
Nagel G, Wabitsch M, Galm C, Berg S, Brandstetter S, Fritz M, Klenk J, Peter R, Prokopchuk D, Steiner R, Stroth S, Wartha O, Weiland SK and Steinacker J. Determinants of obesity in the Ulm Research on Metabolism, Exercise and Lifestyle in Children (URMEL-ICE). Eur J Pediatr. 2009; 168:1259-67.
Pannicke U*, Hönig M*, Hess I, Friesen C, Holzmann K, Rump E-M, Barth TF, Rojewski MT, Schulz A, Boehm T, Friedrich W and Schwarz K. Reticular dysgenesis (aleukocytosis) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding mitochondrial adenylate kinase 2. Nat Genet. 2009; 41:101-5. (*contributed equally)
Schwarz K, Iolascon A, Verissimo F, Trede NS, Horsley W, Chen W, Paw BH, Hopfner K-P, Holzmann K, Russo R, Esposito MR, Spano D, De Falco L, Heinrich K, Joggerst B, Rojewski MT, Perrotta S, Denecke J, Pannicke U, Delaunay J, Pepperkok R and Heimpel H. Mutations affecting the secretory COPII coat component SEC23B cause congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type II. Nat Genet. 2009; 41:936-40.
Strauss G, Lindquist JA, Arhel N, Felder E, Karl S, Haas TL, Fulda S, Walczak H, Kirchhoff F and Debatin K-M. CD95 co-stimulation blocks activation of naive T cells by inhibiting T cell receptor signaling. J Exp Med. 2009; 206:1379-93.
Fischer-Posovszky P, Newell FS, Wabitsch M and Tornqvist HE. Human SGBS cells - a unique tool for studies of human fat cell biology. Obesity facts. 2008; 1:184-189.
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