Publications by CEMMA students
Bayer H, Lang K, Buck E, Higelin J, Barteczko L, Pasquarelli N, Sprissler J, Lucas T, Holzmann K, Demestre M, Lindenberg KS, Danzer KM, Boeckers T, Ludolph AC, Dupuis L, Weydt P & Witting A (2017) ALS-causing mutations differentially affect PGC-1α expression and function in the brain vs. peripheral tissues. Neurobiol. Dis. 97: 36–45
Biechonski S, Gourevich D, Rall M, Aqaqe N, Yassin M, Zipin-Roitman A, Trakhtenbrot L, Olender L, Raz Y, Jaffa AJ, Grisaru D, Wiesmuller L, Elad D & Milyavsky M (2016) Quercetin alters the DNA damage response in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells via TopoII- and PI3K- dependent mechanisms synergizing in leukemogenic rearrangements. Int. J. Cancer
Borck G, Hög F, Dentici ML, Tan PL, Sowada N, Medeira A, Gueneau L, Thiele H, Kousi M, Lepri F, Wenzeck L, Blumenthal I, Radicioni A, Schwarzenberg TL, Mandriani B, Fischetto R, Morris-Rosendahl DJ, Altmüller J, Reymond A, Nürnberg P, et al (2015) BRF1 mutations alter RNA polymerase III–dependent transcription and cause neurodevelopmental anomalies. Genome Res. 25: 155–166
Daria D, Kirsten N, Muranyi A, Mulaw M, Ihme S, Kechter A, Hollnagel M, Bullinger L, Döhner K, Döhner H, Feuring-Buske M & Buske C (2016) GPR56 contributes to the development of acute myeloid leukemia in mice. Leukemia 30: 1734–1741
Hampp S, Kiessling T, Buechle K, Mansilla SF, Thomale J, Rall M, Ahn J, Pospiech H, Gottifredi V & Wiesmüller L (2016) DNA damage tolerance pathway involving DNA polymerase ι and the tumor suppressor p53 regulates DNA replication fork progression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 113: E4311-4319
Heigele A, Joas S, Regensburger K & Kirchhoff F (2015) Increased susceptibility of CD4+ T cells from elderly individuals to HIV-1 infection and apoptosis is associated with reduced CD4 and enhanced CXCR4 and FAS surface expression levels. Retrovirology 12: 86
Ireno IC, Wiehe RS, Stahl AI, Hampp S, Aydin S, Troester MA, Selivanova G & Wiesmüller L (2014) Modulation of the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor response and DNA recombination in breast cancer cells by drugs affecting endogenous wild-type p53. Carcinogenesis 35: 2273–2282
Kiryk A, Sowodniok K, Kreiner G, Rodriguez-Parkitna J, Sönmez A, Górkiewicz T, Bierhoff H, Wawrzyniak M, Janusz AK, Liss B, Konopka W, Schütz G, Kaczmarek L & Parlato R (2013) Impaired rRNA synthesis triggers homeostatic responses in hippocampal neurons. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 7: 207
Kluge SF, Mack K, Iyer SS, Pujol FM, Heigele A, Learn GH, Usmani SM, Sauter D, Joas S, Hotter D, Bibollet-Ruche F, Plenderleith LJ, Peeters M, Geyer M, Sharp PM, Fackler OT, Hahn BH & Kirchhoff F (2014) Nef proteins of epidemic HIV-1 group O strains antagonize human tetherin. Cell Host Microbe 16: 639–650
Kraft D, Rall M, Volcic M, Metzler E, Groo A, Stahl A, Bauer L, Nasonova E, Salles D, Taucher-Scholz G, Bönig H, Fournier C & Wiesmüller L (2015) NF-κB-dependent DNA damage-signaling differentially regulates DNA double-strand break repair mechanisms in immature and mature human hematopoietic cells. Leukemia 29: 1543–1554
Parlato R, Soenmez A, Spieth ST, Mustafa R, Litke C, Kreiner G, Bierhoff H, Tuorto F, Naranjo J & Liss B (2016) B20 Dissecting the role of nucleolar stress in huntington’s disease. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 87: A16–A16
Rall M, Kraft D, Volcic M, Cucu A, Nasonova E, Taucher-Scholz G, Bönig H, Wiesmüller L & Fournier C (2015) Impact of Charged Particle Exposure on Homologous DNA Double-Strand Break Repair in Human Blood-Derived Cells. Front. Oncol. 5: 250
Riedl P, Reiser M, Stifter K, Krieger J & Schirmbeck R (2014) Differential presentation of endogenous and exogenous hepatitis B surface antigens influences priming of CD8(+) T cells in an epitope-specific manner. Eur. J. Immunol. 44: 1981–1991
Schuster C, Brosi H, Stifter K, Boehm BO & Schirmbeck R (2013) A missing PD-L1/PD-1 coinhibition regulates diabetes induction by preproinsulin-specific CD8 T-cells in an epitope-specific manner. PloS One 8: e71746
Sowada N, Stiller B & Kubisch C (2016) Increased copper toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking VPS35, a component of the retromer and monogenic Parkinson disease gene in humans. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 476: 528–533
Spielmann M, Kakar N, Tayebi N, Leettola C, Nürnberg G, Sowada N, Lupiáñez DG, Harabula I, Flöttmann R, Horn D, Chan WL, Wittler L, Yilmaz R, Altmüller J, Thiele H, van Bokhoven H, Schwartz CE, Nürnberg P, Bowie JU, Ahmad J, et al (2016) Exome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas genome editing identify mutations of ZAK as a cause of limb defects in humans and mice. Genome Res.
Stifter K, Schuster C, Schlosser M, Boehm BO & Schirmbeck R (2016) Exploring the induction of preproinsulin-specific Foxp3(+) CD4(+) Treg cells that inhibit CD8(+) T cell-mediated autoimmune diabetes by DNA vaccination. Sci. Rep. 6: 29419
Vegi NM, Klappacher J, Oswald F, Mulaw MA, Mandoli A, Thiel VN, Bamezai S, Feder K, Martens JHA, Rawat VPS, Mandal T, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Spiekermann K, Hiddemann W, Döhner K, Döhner H, Stunnenberg HG, Feuring-Buske M & Buske C (2016) MEIS2 Is an Oncogenic Partner in AML1-ETO-Positive AML. Cell Rep. 16: 498–507