Poster presentations

In addition to the talks, we want to give students the opportunity to present their current research projects in poster form. Topics are not limited to "Get infected! - Insights into microbiology and virology", so feel free to prepare posters from your own research area, e.g. your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. Within the unconstrained atmosphere of our symposium you can get hands-on experience in preparing and presenting a poster. This valuable possibility will prove to be great practice for the next time you have to present your work!

If you would like to present your research, we invite students of all levels (Bachelor to PhD) to participate and can offer to print your posters for you. Also, there will be prizes for the best undergraduate and graduate posters!

Just check the "Poster" checkmark during registration and you are good to go! If you have already registered and decided later to present your work, just contact us.

Poster requirements

Topic: Original research on molecular medicine or similar areas
Size: A0, Portrait (Hochformat)

If printed by us:

File format: pdf
Color space: sRGB