Application for the Master Management and Economics Program

We're delighted by your interest in the Master in Management and Economics program at Ulm University. On this page, we've compiled the most important application information in a clear, easy-to-navigate format.

Admission requirements for english speaking applicants

Application Periods (Two Phases): 

Summer Semester: October 15 to November 15 and December 1 to January 15 

Winter Semester: April 10 to May 15 and June 1 to July 15

The Master's program in Management and Economics at Ulm University has limited enrollment. To qualify for admission, you must meet the following requirements:

  • At least 15 credit points in Mathematics/Statistics
  • At least 36 credit points in Business Administration and Economics, with a minimum of 12 credit points in Business Administration and 12 credit points in Economics
  • A GRE Test with scores above the 70th percentile for Quantitative Reasoning and at the 40th percentile for Verbal Reasoning, or alternatively, a GMAT total test score at the 60th percentile or better
  • English language proficiency in accordance with Ulm University's language regulations

If you have German language proficiency of at least C1 please have a look at this website

Application process for students with a foreign education certificate

Step 1: Online application via uni-assist
Register for the uni-assist online portal, answer all the basic questions and questions for your course application.

Step 2: Upload documents
Please upload the required application documents at the uni-assist online portal. Give your documents an unambiguous name.

Step 3: Submit your application to uni-assist electronically
(Paper-based documents are not required for application)

Step 4: Pay the handling fees to uni-assist

All required application documents as well as the payment must be received by uni-assist before the application deadline.

Apply online via the uni-assist portal