Bachelor Courses (Mathematics)

In the Mathematics bachelor programmes, the language of instruction is usually German. However, third-year elective courses can often be taught in English. 


Regularily offered courses in the Winter term (October - February)

 Module No.Module TitleECTSLanguage
70000Analysis I5DE
70001Lineare Algebra I5DE
70000Analysis II5DE
70008Elementare Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik9DE
70011Numerische Lineare Algebra6DE
70023Elemente der Algebra5DE
72166Analysis III5DE/EN
70038Advanced Optimization with Applications9EN
70041Numerical Optimization6DE/EN
70115Functional Analysis9DE/EN
71189Graph Theory9DE/EN
72818Mathematical Statistics9EN
72819Advanced Statistics5EN
72281Dynamical Systems5DE/EN
77027Discrete Time Financial Mathematics5EN

Contact (Mathematics)

Leonie Langer
Academic Advisor

Helmholtzstraße 18 , Raum 2.01

E-Mail: international.mathematics(at)

Prof. Dr. Jan Beyersmann
Erasmus+ Coordinator

Helmholtzstraße 20 , Raum E.44
E-Mail: jan.beyersmann(at)