
The Institute is offering typically one semester each semester. The seminar matching is via the faculty-wide website. Further information will be announced via e-mails to seminar participants.



Seminar Asset Pricing - Bachelor (summer semesters)

The empirical "Seminar Asset Pricing - Bachelor" is for Bachelor students. Each student group of two / three students is assigned a specific topic that is changing from semester to semester. 

In the summer semester 25 we will cover a research area at the intersection of AI and Crypto Currencies with a particular focus on AI Agents. Each group (of two students) will be assigned a different project. In your thesis, you will conduct a (light) empirical analysis and explain the history and the project.


Seminar Digital Finance (winter semesters)
The seminar in Digital Finance is for Master students (including Master of Finance students). Each student group of two / three students is assigned a project/chain. Main tasks: find the most related academic papers and build a dashboard with relevant data insights.