Prof. Dr. Jan Beyersmann
Research Interest
- Survival and Event History Analysis
- Statistical Methodology for Clinical and Epidemiological Studies
- Winter Semester 2024/2025
- Summer Semester 2024
- Winter Semester 2022/2024
- Summer Semester 2023
- Winter Semester 2022/2023 (research sabbatical)
- Summer Semester 2022
- Winter Semester 2021/2022
- Summer Semester 2021
- Winter Semester 2020/2021
- Summer Semester 2020
- Winter Semester 2019/2020
- Summer Semester 2019
- Winter Semester 2018/2019
- Summer Semester 2018
- Winter Semester 2017/2018 (research sabbatical)
- Summer Semester 2017
- Winter Semester 2016/2017
- Summer Semester 2016
- Winter Semester 2015/2016
- Summer Semester 2015
- Winter Semester 2014/2015
- Summer Semester 2014
- Winter Semester 2013/2014
- Summer Semester 2013
Brief CV
- 2013- Professor of Biostatistics, University Ulm
- 2012- Habilitation for ‘Medical Biometry and Statistics’, Medical Faculty, University of Freiburg
- 2005- Graduation Dr. rer. nat., Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Freiburg
- 2001 - 2012 Scientist at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics, University Hospital Freiburg
- 2000-2001 Biometrician at Beiersdorf Research Centre, Hamburg
- 1999 Diploma in Mathematics, University of Duesseldorf
Book and Book Chapter
- Beyersmann J, Allignol A, Schumacher M: Competing Risks and Multistate Models with R, Springer 2012
- Free chapter on competing risks from the Handbook of Survival Analysis: Beyersmann, J, Scheike, T: Classical regression models for competing risks. Handbook of Survival Analysis 2014 (ed. Klein, J, et al); Chapter 8. Example chapter, free for download here.
Some recent publications based on MSc- and BSc-theses in Mathematical Biometry
- Bühler A, Wolbers M, Model F, Wang Q, Belachew S, Manfrini M, Lorscheider J, Kappos L, Beyersmann J: Recurrent disability progression endpoints in multiple sclerosis clinical trials. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2022 (early view)
- Rühl, J, Beyersmann, J, Friedrich, S: General independent censoring in event-driven trials with staggered entry. Biometrics (early view)
- Repky, S., Büchele, G., Günther, K. et al. Five years’ trajectories of functionality and pain in patients after hip or knee replacement and association with long-term patient survival. Sci Rep 10, 14388 (2020)
- Nießl A, Beyersmann J, Loos A: Multistate Modeling of Clinical Hold in Randomized Clinical Trials, Pharm Stat 2020, 19(3), 262-275
- Meller M, Beyersmann J, Rufibach K: Joint modeling of progression-free and overall survival and computation of correlation Measures, Statistics in Medicine 2019, 38, pages 4270-4289
- Bertsche A, Fleischer F, Beyersmann J, Nehmiz G: Bayesian Phase II optimization for time-to-event data based on historical information, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2019, 28, Pages 1272-1289
- Fuerst D, Frank S, Mueller C, Beelen D, Schetelig J, Niederwieser D, Finke J, Bunjes D, Kröger N, Neuchel C, Tsamadou C, Schrezenmaier H, Beyersmann J and Mytilineos J: Competing-risk outcomes after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from the perspective of time-dependent effects, Haematologica 2018 Volume 103(9):1527-1534
- Bluhmki, T, Peter, R, Rapp, K, König, H, Becker, C, Lindlbauer, I,
Rothenbacher, D, Beyersmann, J, Büchele, G: Understanding mortality of
femoral fractures following low-impact trauma in persons with and
without care need. Journal of the American Medical Directors
Association 2017, 18(3), Pages 221-226 - Beyersmann, J, Schrade, C: Florence Nightingale, William Farr and
competing risks. J Roy Stat Soc (A) 2017, 180(1), Pages 285-293 - Umlauft, M, Radojewski, P, Spanjol, P, Dumont, R, Marincek, N, Kollar,
A, Brunner, P, Beyersmann, J, Müller-Brand, J, Maecke, H, Laimer, M,
Walter, M: Diabetes mellitus and its effects on all-cause mortality
after radiopeptide therapy for neuroendocrine tumors. Journal of Nuclear
Medicine 2017, 58(1), Pages 97-102 - Friedrich, S, Beyersmann, J, Winterfeld, U, Schumacher, M, Allignol, A: Nonparametric estimation of pregnancy outcome probabilities. Ann Appl Stat 2017, 11(2), Pages 840-867/ Gustav-Adolf-Lienert-Award
Other Publications: here
Some Projects
- Efficacy of an allogeneic transplant and understanding the complex competing risks and multistate structure of aftercare - Analysis of German transplant registry data (German Research Foundation grant BE 4500/4-1)
- Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe (EU-funded projects COMBACTE-MAGNET and COMBACTE-CARE)
- Planning and nonparametric inference for multistate time-to-
event data such as disease occurrences and disease durations
(German Research Foundation grant BE 4500/1-1) - Drug induced adverse pregnancy outcomes: innovative event history
analysis for non-continuously exposed pregnancies in the national German
Embryotox patient database (German Research Foundation grant BE 4500/3-1)
- Former Associate Editor Annals of Applied Statistics, Biometrical Journal, Biometrics, Biostatistics, Statistics in Medicine. Advisory Board of the German Region of the International Biometric Society (2013-2017)
Completed Theses

Ulm University
Institute of Statistics
Helmholtzstr. 20 (Room E.44)
89081 Ulm
Phone: (+49) 731/ 50 33100
E-mail: jan.beyersmann(at)
Office Hour: Please make an appointment via e-mail.