One more national award for Ulm Biometricians

Ulm University

The student award 2015 of the German Society for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology has gone to Carina Müller for her master's thesis in Mathematical Biometry.

Her thesis "Nelson-Aalen and Aalen-Johansen estimators
for randomly left-truncated and right-censored non-Markov multistate models
with application to hospital epidemiology" develops general statistical
estimation techniques for incompletely observed dynamic state
models. Applications include economic analyses in hospital epidemiology and
prophylaxis of infections.

This is already the third national award given this
year to graduates of Ulm's Mathematical Biometry program. In spring, the
master's theses of Sarah Friedrich und Tobias Bluhmki have been recognised by
the German Region of the International Biometrical Society. Prof. Dr. Jan
Beyersmann (Institute of Statistics), who has supervised the theses, comments:
"These awards document the high standards of the program Mathematical Biometry
at Ulm University, which combines a thorough education in Mathematics and
Stochastics with a clear application focus in the life sciences."

Further information (in German): hier.