Course (2+1 SWS) by PD Dr. Björn Schelter

Ulm University

Mathematical Modelling, September 9th-13th, 2013 (full days)

Course Mathematical Modelling: From Basic Concepts to Systems Biology

Instructor: PD B Schelter

Mathematical models are ubiquitous. They promise to disclose basic
concepts and mechanisms of many systems. This course provides a
state-of-the-art survey of mathematical modelling. Starting in the
first part of the course by introducing some basic concepts of
mathematical modelling, we will discuss various theoretical concepts
and their application. These include models for population dynamics,
excitable systems such as neurons, pattern formation, and enzymes,
which will eventually lead to Systems Biology. Metabolism, signal
transduction, gene regulation, and the cell cycle are characteristic
examples for Systems Biology. The second part of the course is devoted
to the estimation of parameters in such models. Model selection
strategies are discussed as well as sensitivity analysis. The topics
in this course are motivated by real-world applications and are
accompanied by tutorials; the tutorials will to some extent include
programming and computer simulations. Actual measurements will be used
to underpin the strong application orientation of this course.

There will be an oral or written exam one week after the course.

Please email jan.beyersmann(at) if you are interested in the