Wintersemester 2024/25

Termin *VortragenderUniversitätTitel
24.10.2024Alicia von SchenkUni WürzburgCan Less Be More? Opt-Out Features and Targeting with ML-based Recommender Systems
07.11.2024Fabian SiudaWU WienVaccinations and the Costs of Human Interaction
28.11.2024Marina ChugunovaMPI MünchenSexual Misconduct, Accused Scientists, and Their Research
12.12.2024Christian KoziolUni TübingenSustainable Investing and Portfolio Performance
09.01.2025Christoph Maurerconsentec GmbHKapazitätsmärkte: Gibt es das richtige Design?
23.01.2025Marina SchröderUni HannoverInput- versus Output-based Incentives in Idea Generation - An Experimental Analysis
06.02.2025Frank RiedelUni BielefeldExcessive Trade in Financial Markets due to Heterogeneous Beliefs - and how to deal with it