- Jonas Rumpf, Helga Weindl, Peter Höppe, Ernst Rauch, Volker Schmidt (2007): Stochastic Modelling of Tropical Cyclone Tracks. Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 66 (3), 475-490 (Artikel als .pdf-Datei; the original publication is available at
- Jonas Rumpf, Helga Weindl, Peter Höppe, Ernst Rauch, Volker Schmidt (2009): Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment Using Model-based Track Simulation. Nat. Hazards 48 (3), 383-398 (Artikel als .pdf-Datei; the original publication is available at
- Jonas Rumpf, Helga Weindl, Eberhard Faust, Volker Schmidt (2010): Structural variation in genesis and landfall locations of North Atlantic tropical cyclones related to SST. Tellus 62A, 243-255 (Abstract)
- Jonas Rumpf, Simon Pickl, Stephan Elspaß, Werner König, Volker Schmidt (2010): Structural analysis of dialect maps using methods from spatial statistics. Preprint, to appear in Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik
- Jonas Rumpf, Simon Pickl, Stephan Elspaß, Werner König, Volker Schmidt (2010): Quantification and statistical analysis of structural similarities in dialectological area-class maps. Preprint, to appear in Dialectologia et Geolinguistica
Jonas Rumpf
- Telefon: +49 (0)731/50-23555
- Telefax: +49 (0)731/50-23649
- Raum-Nr. 147
- Helmholtzstr. 18
- 89069 Ulm
- Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung