Study abroad within CSE programs
Are you thinking about spending part of your studies abroad? You would like to know what opportunities are open to you in your CSE studies? You are interested in where other CSE students have already traveled to and what experiences they have already had abroad?
Or you are planning a stay abroad in Ulm and are interested in the CSE program? You would like to know which Bachelor and Master courses are offered?
Find answers to your questions on the following pages!
Contacts Computational Science and Engineering
Beate Mayer
Academic Advisor for study program Computational Science and Engineering
Helmholtzstraße 20 , Room 1.24
E-Mail: international.cse(at)
Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Helmholtzstraße 20 , Room 1.12
E-Mail: karsten.urban(at)