Computational Science and Engineering


Master Computational Science and Engineering

Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) stands for interdisciplinary computer-aided mathematical modelling and simulation of questions and problems of natural sciences and engineering, but also medicine and life sciences. Computer-aided simulations have become irreplaceable in research and development. Nowadays, new insights aren't merely founded on theoretical reflections and experiments but more and more on computer simulations.

The CSE Master's builds on the CSE Bachelor’s programme, yet is also an interesting advanced pathway for graduates with related Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Physics and similar areas of study. Bachelor's graduates aspiring to do the CSE Master’s programme should have knowledge and competences in applied mathematics, computer science and an area of natural sciences or engineering.

The CSE programme in Ulm features a strong connection to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Ulm. Numerous regional small and medium-sized businesses are leading in their fields on the world markets with their high-tech products. Modelling and simulation have become highly important for these businesses. Products and processes in development and production are becoming increasingly complex and the pressure is growing to develop faster and cheaper in order to maintain global market leadership, especially for regional small and medium-sized businesses.


The Master's degree programme CSE is a German-language programme for which the required language skills are described here. The modules are often offered in English.


More about the course

The Master's degree programme in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) is offered jointly with Ulm University of Applied Sciences with the support of the Ulm Chamber of Industry and Commerce. This co-operation combines the research orientation of the university with the practical orientation of the university.

The programme is based on three pillars: 

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • Engineering and natural sciences
  • interdisciplinary area.

Numerics courses and High Performance Computing are in the foreground as compulsory modules, while the specialisation can be planned individually. The curriculum provides for a very broad catalogue of compulsory electives, which allows students to specialise in their own areas. The elective options cover the spectrum of content offered by the faculties of Ulm University and Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

Key Data

Further information is available in German.