Part-time study programmes for professionals
The School of Advanced Professional Studies (SAPS) offers part-time Master's degree courses. It also offers individual modules of the Master's degree courses as certificate courses for an in-depth study in a specialist area.
The part-time Master's degree course in Business Analytics is aimed at middle and top managers who want to be able to solve operational problems with the help of data-based evidence. To this end, the course teaches business management, mathematical and information technology skills. In addition to topics such as data mining, machine learning and predictive methods through to strategic and business process management for the development of new business models, you will acquire the tools and in-depth technical and business knowledge that will be applied and deepened in practical exercises in the modules of the course.
In addition to the Business Analytics course, there are other courses such as the Master's course in Actuarial Science. The course enables graduates to independently analyze issues in the field of actuarial science at a high university level. Students acquire knowledge in the central areas of basic actuarial knowledge as well as a deep understanding of the framework conditions of actuarial work, including skills in project implementation and the presentation of the corresponding results in a generally understandable form.
In addition to the SAPS continuing education program, we offer a unique part-time continuing education program in finance and actuarial sciences in cooperation with the Akademie für Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Technik an der Universität Ulm e.V.. We now offer up to 15 distance learning courses as well as a course for "Accompanied learning in preparation for the DAV mathematical licensing examination" for 150 to 200 participants each year.