Traditional Second Semester Football Match

In perfect football weather, students from the second semester competed against lecturers from the faculty in the traditional second semester football match.  After the final whistle, a cosy barbecue provided the perfect opportunity for exchange and conversation. The event was a complete success and, with its triad of team spirit, challenge and very good contacts between students and lecturers, stands for much of what characterises studying at our faculty.


[Translate to English:] Böresenforum_

Börsenforum Ulm e.V. - Excusion to Zurich

Börsenforum Ulm e.V., a student organisation at the University of Ulm, organised an excursion to Zurich.  The 15 participants gained exciting insights into financial markets and products from companies in the financial sector, exchanged ideas with the Finance Club University of Zurich and visited the Swiss stock exchange SIX and the Swiss Finance Museum.


[Translate to English:] Job- und Praktikumsbörse „Wirtschaftsprüfung“  für Studierende der Uni Ulm

Auditing - Job and Internship Fair on 7 May 2024

On 7 May 2024, the Institute of Accounting and Auditing, together with 22 medium-sized auditing firms and an industrial company, held the 15th annual "Auditing" Job and Internship Fair for the students of the University of Ulm. 


[Translate to English:] Flyer_ANGEL_Meeting_Ulm

1. ANGEL Meeting Ulm on 17th May 2024

The Institute for Applied Analysis organized ANGEL Meeting (ANalysis and GEometry im Ländle) on Friday,  17th May 2024 in Ulm, together with the Geometric Analysis Groups of universities in Baden-Wüttemberg. read more ... 

[Translate to English:] Preisträger der Besten Absolventen in allen Studiengängen der Fakultät MaWi.

Faculty celebration on 26.04.2024

On April 26, 2024, the Faculty of Mathematics and Economics honored special achievements and commitment at a ceremony. Graduates received awards for the best degrees, students were honored for their commitment and doctoral candidates received doctoral certificates. 

[Translate to English:] Prof. Martin Müller (l.) stellt das Projekt Klima-Azubis vor (Foto: Daniela Stang/Uni Ulm)

Climate Trainees project

In the “Climate Trainees” project, around 20 young people have spent six months working on sustainability and climate protection and have launched various ideas in Ulm's Donautal industrial area. The trainees were supported by the Reallabor Klima Connect Donautal of the University of Ulm in cooperation with Aalen University and local companies. read more...


Chris Daykin Prize 2023 by An Chen and Fangyuan Zhang

The International Actuarial Association (IAA) has awarded the Chris Daykin Prize 2023 for the best publication on pensions in the ASTIN Bulletin to the paper “Intergenerational risk sharing in a defined contribution pension system: analysis with Bayesian optimization” by Prof. Dr. An Chen (Head of the Institute of Actuarial Science) and her former PhD student Dr. Fangyuan Zhang (joint work with Prof. Dr. Motonobu Kanagawa, EURECOM). The ASTIN Bulletin is one of the most prestigious journals in the field of actuarial science. 


[Translate to English:] Neu: Kompetenzzentrum TENT an der Uni Ulm

New opening: TENT - Your competence center for technology transfer and entrepreneurship

TENT is the new competence center specializing in interdisciplinary research activities in the field of technology transfer and entrepreneurship. With the aim of creating innovative and sustainable solutions for the future, TENT brings together various scientific disciplines and creates space for coordinated exchange and joint projects. read more ...