Topics in Insurance and Finance

Time and place


Friday, 12:15-13:45 

Important News

  • The lecture is in English.
  • All further information on the lecture and all documents can be found in moodle .


2 hours lecture (3 ECTS)


Participants should be familiar with the principles of financial economics and with financial models. Familiarity with Risk Theory is an advantage but not a prerequisite.

Key subjects

The aim of the course is to discuss topics from the recent journal literature in the area of insurance and quantitative finance. The general focus of the course is on the differences and relations between finance and insurance. The lecture will in most parts be based on recent journal papers of which a list will be provided.

The contents of this course may change from year to year, depending on recent developments. Some examples of subjects are the following:

  • Optimal Control Theory
  • Allocation of risk capital
  • Decision under uncertainty
  • Risk measures
  • Pricing in incomplete markets
  • Pricing of insurance products
  • Option pricing with deep learning

Compulsory Reading

selected journal papers