Seminar "Selected Topics from Finance"

News and general information

The seminar is open to Master students.

In this seminar, we will study research from asset pricing and investing. 

To successfully pass the seminar you need to write a paper and give a presentation. Papers can be written in either German or English and should have a length of 15-20 (team of two) or 20-25 pages (team of three). For hints on how to write a paper see our guidelines. You need to hand in a printed and a digital version (pdf) of your paper, as well as data and code for your empirical analysis. The seminar talks should be given in English.

FAQ & Organisational matters

  • Do we get a grade? Yes. Your paper and your presentation will be graded and lead to one grade (equally weighted). Both the paper and presentation have to be passed.
  • What do we have to hand in? A paper (around 10 days before the presentation) and your presentation files (around 2 days before the presentation)
  • Who is responsible? For content-related questions, please contact your supervisor.


  • Mon. 27.01.2025 - Thu. 30.01.2025 Students must submit their preferences over seminars for the first matching round. Link to platform for submission of preferences:  English     German
  • Fri. 31.01.2025 1st round of seminar matching.The matching algorithm runs during that day.
  • Wed. 05.02.2025 2nd round of seminar matching.The matching algorithm runs during that day.
  • tba  Topic allocation on Taddle
  • tba     Registration at the Higher Services Portal
  • Contact your supervisor to discuss the outline of the paper
  • tba  Submission of the paper
  • tba (around end of May to end of June)  Presentations 



We will provide a list of topics before the 1st deadline for seminar preferences. 

General Remark: Topics will include an empirical part for which you will prepare and analyze data. We will provide you with hints on how to download or obtain the data. You can choose which software to use to analyze the data. In your presentation, you shall also give an insight into your data preparation and coding. Do  n o t  ask the authors of the original papers if they can provide you with their code. We expect you to do the coding yourself, and we expect all members of a team to be familiar with the coding and data preparation. 


Dates and Room

see timetable

Module description

This seminar is open for Master students.