Selected talks

  • E. Spodarev, "Geometrie und Zufall" (pdf), Tag der Mathematik 2005, March 12, 2005
  • E. Spodarev, "Random Sets and Random Fields" (pdf), Tutorium at the workshop Spatial Stochastic Modelling of Telecommunication Systems, Söllerhaus-Hirschegg, March 26-29, 2006.
  • E. Spodarev, "Berechnung der Minkowski-Funktionale von deterministischen und zufälligen Mengen" (pdf), Contribution for Minikolloquium über Konvexe und Stochastische Geometrie, TU Wien, April 7, 2006.
  • E. Spodarev, "Johannes Kepler. Astronom, Astrologe, Philosoph" (pdf), Contribution to Lange Nacht der Philosophie, Neue Akropolis Stuttgart, May 6, 2006.
  • E. Spodarev, "Magisches Ägypten. Das Land der heiligen Symbole" (pdf), Talk, Neue Akropolis Ulm, July 15, 2006.
  • E. Spodarev, "Philosophie der Fraktale" (pdf), Talk, 2007
  • W. Karcher and E. Spodarev, "Spatial risk analysis and modelling in insurance" (pdf), Gumbel-lecture in the context of the Statistischen Woche, Kiel, September 24-29, 2007
  • E. Spodarev, "Mathematik in der modernen Weltanschauung" (pdf), Talk at the studium generale, Ulm, October 24, 2007
  • E. Spodarev with H. Braxmeier and V. Schmidt, "Modelling, simulation and prediction of city road traffic" (pdf), Contribution to the workshop Mathematical Modelling of transport and production logistics, Bremen, January 11, 2008
  • E. Spodarev, "Limit theorems in stochastic geometry" (pdf), Plenary lecture at the international conference Stochastic Analysis and Random Dynamical Systems, Lviv,  June 14-20, 2009
  • E. Spodarev, "Moderne Stochastik, was ist das?" (pdf), Talk at the Master's information day at Ulm University, April 24, 2010
  • E. Spodarev, "Anisotropic cylinder processes" (pdf), Contribution to the 15th Workshop on Quantitative Image Analysis, Bissersheim, May 8, 2009.
  • E. Spodarev, "Wiener sausage and sensor networks" (pdf), Talk at the seminar of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg, April 2, 2010.
  • E. Spodarev with Z. Kabluchko, "Scan Statistics for Independently Marked Point Processes" (pdf), Talk at the 28th European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS 2010, August 17 to August 22, Piraeus, Greece)
  • E. Spodarev, "Geostatistische Modellierung von räumlich aufgelösten Schadenhöhen" (pdf), ESRI 2011, May 24, 2011, München-Unterschleißheim
  • E. Spodarev, "Extrapolation of stationary random fields" (pdf), 3 lectures at the Summer School on Stochastic Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Structures (September 11 to September 24, 2011, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal)
  • E. Spodarev  "Limit theorems for excursion sets of stationary random fields" (pdf), January 23 , 2013, WIAS, Berlin.
  • E. Spodarev, "The renaissance in Florence: Nicholas of Cusa" (Link), International Colloquium "The Odyssey and mutations of Plato's Dialectics to the present", November 2013.
  • E. Spodarev, "Alles ist eine Zahl, oder? Pythagoraisches Denken und die Gegenwart" (Link), January 14, 2014, <link en einrichtungen humboldt ringvorlesung archiv die-messbarkeit-der-welt-mathematik-als-universalwissenschaft.html external-link-new-window>Ringvorlesung "Die Messbarkeit der Welt. Mathematik als Universalwissenschaft?"