The GeoStoch project has been initiated in 1999 by Prof. Schmidt (Institute of Stochastics) and Prof. Schweiggert (Institute of Applied Information Processing). The basics have then been developed by the members of both institutes.
Particularly, we would like to emphasize the work of Dr. Johannes Mayer, who developed and implemented many important concepts of GeoStoch in the course of his PhD thesis which has been supervised by Prof. Schmidt and Prof. Schweiggert.
Since 2004, Prof. Spodarev has joined Prof. Schmidt in the role of being in charge of the GeoStoch project.
Furthermore, the following persons have contributed to GeoStoch for many years (the numerous diploma students who have also made excellent contributions to GeoStoch in the course of their diploma thesis would unfortunately go beyond the scope of this page):
- Dr. Stephan Boehm
- Hans Braxmeier
- Stefanie Eckel
- Dr. Frank Fleischer
- Wolfgang Karcher
- Dr. Simone Klenk
- Sebastian Lück
- Dr. Roland Maier
- Daniel Meschenmoser
- Dr. Ursa Pantle
- Jonas Rumpf
- Dr. Hendrik Schmidt
- Malte Spiess
- Ralf Thiedmann
- Florian Voss