Risk Theory
Junior-Prof. Dr. Zakhar Kabluchko
Teaching Assistant
Wolfgang Karcher
Time and place
Monday 12-14 in H14
Tuesday 12-14 in H14
Exercise session:
Wednesday 16-18 in H12
First lecture: Monday, 19th April
First exercise session: Wednesday, 28th April
4 hours lecture + 2 hours exercises
Probability, Calculus
Intended audience
Graduate students in Mathematics, Business Mathematics and Finance
This course provides an introduction to the mathematical models of non-life insurance with emphasis on- Distribution of claim sizes
- Distribution of the number of claims
- Distribution of the aggregate claim amount
- Simulation
- Premium calculation
- Reinsurance
- Risk reserves
- Ruin probabilities
Requirements to obtain the certificate (Übungsschein and/or DAV-Schein)
In order to obtain the certificate of the lecture (Übungsschein), one has to earn 50% of all homework credits and pass the written final exam.At the end of this term, a certificate of the German Actuarial Society (DAV-Schein Schadensversicherungsmathematik) can be earned by passing the written final exam. In order to obtain the DAV certificate it is not necessary to earn 50% of home credits.
Lecture notes
Lecture notes of Prof. Evgeny Spodarev (Ulm) can be downloaded here.
Lecture notes of Prof. Klaus Schmidt (Dresden) can be downloaded here
Final exam
Monday, 19th July, 2010, 10:00 - 12:00 in H4/5
Auxiliary material for the final exam: 1 DIN A4 sheet with own notes, non-programmable pocket calculator, pens
Please use the following table to determine your grade. Half points are rounded up. For example, if your score is 18.5, you will get the grade corresponding to 19 points. For the DAV-Schein, you need at least 18.5 points.
Score Grade
39-37 1.0
36-35 1.3
34-33 1.7
32-31 2.0
30-29 2.3
28-27 2.7
26-25 3.0
24-23 3.3
22-21 3.7
20-19 4.0
18-0 5.0
Exercise sheets
In order to receive credit points, a registration at SLC is required.
If you have no account at the SLC, please follow this link and choose "Weiter zur Online-Registrierung" there.
- Blatt 1
- Blatt 2 Supplement
- Blatt 3
- Blatt 4
- Blatt 5
- Blatt 6
- Blatt 7
- Blatt 8 Proof of Corollary 11.5
- Blatt 9
- Blatt 10
- Blatt 11
- Blatt 12
- Asmussen, S.
Ruin probabilities
World Scientific, Singapore, 2000 - Beard, R.E., Pentikäinen, T., Pesonen, E.
Risk Theory
Chapman and Hall, London - New York, 1984 - Embrechts, P., Klüppelberg, C., Mikosch, T.
Modelling extremal events
Appl. Math., 33, Springer, Berlin, 1997 - Heilmann, W.
Grundbegriffe der Risikotheorie
Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe, 1987 - Hipp, C., Michel, R.
Risikotheorie: Stochastische Modelle und Statistische Methoden
Schriftenreihe Angewandte Versicherungsmathematik, Heft 24, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe, 1990 - Kaas, R., Goovaerts, M., Dhaene, J., Denuit, M.
Modern actuarial risk theory
Kluwer, Boston, 2001 - Mack, T.
Schriftenreihe Angewandte Versicherungsmathematik, Heft 28, 2. Auflage, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe, 2002 - Mikosch, T.
Non-life insurance mathematics
Springer, 2004 - Rolski, T., Schmidli, H., Schmidt, V., Teugels, J.
Stochastic Processes for Insurance and Finance
J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1998 - Schmidt, K.
Lectures on risk theory
Teubner, Stuttgart, 1996 - Straub, E.
Non-life insurance mathematics
Springer, Zürich, 1988
Further Literature
- Daykin, C.D., Pentikäinen, T., Pesonen, M.
Practical Risk Theory for Actuaries
Chapman & Hall, London, 1994 - Farny, D., Helten, E., Koch, P., Schmidt, R.
Handwörterbuch der Versicherung
Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe, 1988 - Gerber, H.U.
An Introduction to Mathematical Risk Theory
Richard D. Irwin, Homewood, 1979 - Wolfsdorf, K.
Versicherungsmathematik. Teil 2: Theoretische Grundlagen, Risikotheorie, Sachversicherung
Teubner, Stuttgart, 1988 - Schwepcke, A.
Rückversicherung. Grundlagen und aktuelles Wissen
Swiss Re, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe, 2001 - Goovaerts, M.J., de Vylder, F., Haezendonck, J.
Insurance premiums
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984 - Müller, A., Stoyan, D.
Comparison methods for stochastic models and risks
Wiley, 200 - Klugman, S. A., Panjer, H. H., Willmot, G. E.
Loss models. From data to decisions
Wiley, 1998