Ph.D. Theses
Current Ph.D. Theses
Prof. Stadtmüller
- Ivan Lecei
Analysis and statistics of Extreme-Value Copulas - Marta Zampiceni
Funktionale Datenanalyse
Completed Ph.D. Theses
Prof. Maier
- Dr. Hans-Peter Reck
Exponential sums with the Möbiusfunction
Prof. Stadtmüller
- Dr. Christoph Dubowik
Entdeckung von Changepoints in nichtparametrischen Regressionsmodellen - Dr. Ingo Fahrner
Almost sure versions of weak limit theorems - Dr. Achim Gegler
Statistical Analysis of Lévy Processes with Application in Finance - Dr. Michael Harder
Exchangeability of Copulas - Dr. Christian Hering
Estimation techniques and goodness-of-fit tests for certain copula classes in large dimensions - Dr. Marius Hofert
Nested Archimedean copulas and applications - Dr. Hartmut Lanzinger
Fast sichere Konvergenz bei gleitenden Mitteln von Zufallsvariablen unterhalb des Erdös-Rényi-Gesetzes - Dr. Magda Mroz
Time-Varying Copula Models for Financial Time Series - Dr. Martin Riesner
Unit-linked life insurance in Lévy-process financial markets - modeling, hedging and statistics - Dr. Rafael Schmidt
Dependencies of extreme events in finance - Modelling, statistics, and data analysis - Dr. Monika Thalmaier
Strong Laws for weighted sums of random variables and random fields - Dr. Christian Wagner
Deconvolution techniques in nonparametric density estimation - Dr. Stefan Weiß
Verallgemeinerungen der Grenzwertsätze von Erdös-Rényi und Shepp - Dr. Michael Wiedmann
Asymptotiken für Dichten mit Gaußschen Tails in höheren Dimensionen - Dr. Insa Winzenborg
Spatial functional principal component analysis and its application in diagnostics