6th Fudan-Ulm Symposium on Finance and Insurance

The 6th Fudan-Ulm Symposium on Finance and Insurance took place at the School of Economics, Fudan University, from September 5 to 6, 2024. Co-hosted by Fudan University’s School of Economics and Ulm University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Economics, with support from the International Finance and Insurance Association (IFIA), this event showcased cutting-edge research across a range of topics including asset allocation, risk management, insurance product design, and more.

This year's symposium was a significant event for the insurance discipline in Fudan and Ulm, attracting participants from various universities and industry professionals, and fostering lively discussions and future collaboration. We look forward to the next edition at Ulm University!

FADeRiS 2024 @Ulm

This year's Foundations and Applications of Decentralized Risk Sharing (FADeRiS) conference took place over three days from May 27-29 at Universität Ulm at the beautiful 10th century historic Reisensburg Castle - organized by An Chen (Ulm University) and Peter Hieber (University of Lausanne - HEC Lausanne).

FADeRiS is a conference series dedicated to the theory and practical application of decentralized risk-sharing schemes. Decentralized risk-sharing refers to risk-sharing mechanisms under which the participants in a pool decide to share their risks among themselves, as opposed to classical insurance where an insurance provider takes relevant risks. Examples include peer-to-peer (P2P) insurance, pooled annuity funds or tontines.

Many thanks to all participants for this wonderful conference!

Further information about the conference can be found in the expandable text field.

Detailed information

The first day of the conference featured inspiring presentations on user-friendly metrics for annuitants and the Hashtagethics of mortality risk sharing. The second day focused on various aspects of risk sharing and risk management. Morning sessions covered topics such as efficient Hashtaguncertainty sharing, risk under Hashtagambiguity, and the impact of Hashtagclimate change on natural catastrophe risk pooling. In the afternoon, sessions explored the nuances of Hashtagtontines, including their financial Hashtagguarantees and actuarial Hashtagfairness, as well as the impact of Hashtagmortality dynamics on mutual Hashtagrisk sharing. The third day concluded the conference with presentations on economics and mathematics of risk sharing, as well as belief-neutral HashtagPareto efficiency and robust peer-to-peer risk sharing

In addition to cutting-edge scientific presentations, there were many opportunities for scientific exchange and networking.

The full program, more information about this year's conference and also about the first edition - initiated by Jan Dhaene, Mario Ghossoub, and Michel Denuit - which took place at KU Leuven, can be found here:

https://sites.google.com/view/faderis/faderis-2024-ulm Many thanks to all participants for this wonderful conference!

Many thanks to all participants for this wonderful conference!

Hansjörg  Albrecher (University of Lausanne - HEC Lausanne)

Michail Anthropelos (University of Piräus)

Mücahit Aygün (University of Amsterdam)

Patrick Beiẞner (Australian National University)

Carole Bernard (Grenoble Ecole de Management, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Tim Boonen (University of Hong Kong, HKU)

An Chen (Ulm Univerity)

Sascha Günther (University of Lausanne - HEC Lausanne)

Mario Ghossoub (University of Waterloo)

Peter Hieber (University of Lausanne - HEC Lausanne)

Rodrigue Kazzi (KU Leuven)

Roger Laeven (University of Amsterdam)

Felix-Benedikt Liebrich (University of Amsterdam)

Liyuan Lin (University of Waterloo)

Mario Marino (University of Trieste, Italy)

Thai Nguyen (Université Laval, Canada)

Annamaria Olivieri (Università di Parma, Italy)

Patricia Ortega Jiménez (UC Louvain)

Manuel Rach (University of St. Gallen)

Frank Riedel (University of Bielefeld)

Mitja Stadje (University of Ulm)

Julien Trufin (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Emiliano Valdez (University of Connecticut)

Steven Vanduffel (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

Ruodu Wang (University of Waterloo)

Morten Wilke (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University of Ulm)

Shihao Zhu (Ulm University)

Ulmer Masterarbeit mit SCOR-Preis ausgezeichnet

Beim diesjährigen SCOR-Preis für Aktuarwissenschaften hat Laura Bader für ihre Masterarbeit mit dem Titel "Modellierung von Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten für Storno und Beitragsfreistellung" den 3. Preis erhalten.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

bei der Feierstunde zur SCOR Preisverleihung für Aktuarwissenschaften in der PAN AM Lounge, Berlin. © Agentur Baganz, Berlin 24.04.2024
125 Jahre Jubiläum DVfVW - Deutscher Verein für Versicherungswissenschaft - Podiumsdiskussion mit Prof. Dr. An Chen

Anlässlich des 125-jährigen Jubiläums des DVfVW diskutierte Prof. Dr. An Chen im Rahmen einer Podiumsdiskussion staatliche Pläne und Aktivitäten in der privaten Altersvorsorge mit Frank Breiting (DWS und Beirat der Produktinformationsstelle Altersvorsorge), Dr. Max Happacher (Vorsitzender des Vorstands der DAV und Vorstandsmitglied der ERGO International AG), Constantin Papaspyratos (Bund der Versicherten), Dr. Norbert Rollinger (Präsident des GDV und Vorstandsvorsitzender R + V Versicherung) und Dr. Florian Toncar (Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Finanzen).

Die Jahrestagung 2024 fand am 13. und 14. März in Berlin statt.

Chris Daykin Prize 2023 for the best pension related paper

The International Actuarial Association (IAA) has awarded the Chris Daykin Prize 2023 for the best pension relatd paper in the ASTIN Bulletin to Prof. Dr. An Chen and former IVW PhD student Dr. Fangyuan Zhang (joint work with Prof. Dr. Motonobu Kanagawa, EURECOM). The ASTIN Bulletin is one of the most prestigious journals in the field of actuarial science.

In their paper, they analyze a collective defined contribution pension system with multiple overlapping generations. They solve a mathematically complex Bayesian optimization problem and analyze for which persons and under which conditions the welfare can be improved by intergenerational risk sharing. In particular, the results show that intergenerational risk sharing in volatile financial markets leads to an increase in welfare for risk-averse individuals. The analyses are highly relevant for both research and practice, e.g. for pension funds.


Link zur Pressenotiz "Uni Ulm glänzt mit Top-Forschung in den Aktuarwissenschaften" der Universität Ulm (in Deutsch)

Link to the paper
Link to preprint

Vorstandswahlen DGVFM

Prof. An Chen wurde auf der Mitgliederversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik e.V. (DGVFM) zur stellvertretenden Vorstandsvorsitzenden gewählt.

Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik ist die mathematische Fachgesellschaft der in Deutschland in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft auf den Gebieten der Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik sowie des quantitativen Risikomanagements arbeitenden Expertinnen und Experten.

Vollständige Pressemitteilung: https://aktuar.de/politik-und-presse/pressemeldungen/Seiten/Pressemeldung.aspx?FilterField1=ID&FilterValue1=158

Informationen zur DGVFM: https://aktuar.de/ueber-uns/dgvfm/Seiten/default.aspx

Ulm Actuarial Session at Convention A: Innovative Product Design and Risk Management in Life Insurance and Pensions

Convention A was the first completely virtual, worldwide conference of the international actuarial associations. The University of Ulm and ifa  jointly organized an "Ulm Actuarial Session" in which current research and new methods (from areas such as customer behavior, risk management and data science) as well as innovative product ideas are presented in the area of life insuranceand pensions. Both the customers‘ perspective and the companys’ perspective were discussed. All recordings from our session are published on actuview for all registered actuview users to access for free: https://www.actuview.com/partner/Ulm-University_ifa