- 2006 - 2010: Diplom Wirtschaftswissenschaften (equiv. M.Sc. in Economics), Ulm University
- 2010 - 2014: PhD in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.), Ulm University, Thesis title: 'The Impact of International Trade on Firms and Workers – Empirical Evidence from Germany'
- Experimental Economics and Economic Behavior
- Advanced Microeconomics
- Introduction to Economics
- Applied Microeconomics
Research Interests
- International Trade and Wage Inequalities
Working Papers
- Hesse, G. (2014), 'The Impact of a Firm's Share of Exports on Revenue, Wages, and Measure of Workers Hired - Theory and Evidence' (Online Appendix)
- Hesse, G. (2014), 'The Impact of Complementarities between Workers and Managers on Income Inequality'
- Hesse, G. (2015), "Inequality in a Global Economy: Evidence from Germany", Review of World Economics 151(4), 803-820
- Hesse, G. (2010), 'Die Goldpolitik der Notenbanken seit dem Ende des Bretton-Woods-Systems', VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken
Conference Presentations
- Belgian Trade Workshop 2012, Ghent University, Belgium
- Midwest International Trade Conference – Spring 2012, Indiana University, USA
- ETSG 2013, University of Birmingham, UK