Lecture "Wirtschaftspolitik"

The lecture “Wirtschaftspolitik“, communicates an application oriented and on theory founded summary about the role of a state in an economy.

The lecture starts with the explanation of intervention on economic-political grounds founded on the theory of market failure in the context of a welfare economic approach. The inefficiency of peripheral processes of the market will be shown on the basis of central aspects of the allocated economic failure. Afterwards there will be a discussion about starting points and intervention options of the economic policy.

This Theory of rational economic policy will be amended by a political and economic analysis of the explanatory approach of the behaviour of the economic political players. Another part is the discussion of the starting points, possibilities and boundaries of the stabilization and growth policy. In the end there will be discussions about basic questions of the economical system.


Modul Description

The Modul Description for Bachelor and Master you can find in the HIS Online-Portal.