Registration and Abstract Submission
Anyone wishing to attend has to register for the conference. The number of participants is limited by the venue capacity. Therefore, a registration is no guarantee for participation and early registration is encouraged! Further, on 7th of December, everyone who has registered will be informed whether they have been admitted. Please wait with bookings until 7th of December.
Costs for travel and accommodation have to be beared by the participants. In individual cases the costs might be partially refunded (contact us via email), but should be taken over by the participants in general. Lunch, coffee breaks, city tickets and a conference dinner will be free of charge for all participants.
Abstract Submission:
Every participant is expected to give a talk and therefore everyone should submit a short abstract not exceeding one page. The authors are kindly requested to check their abstract carefully before submission. The abstract will be published as submitted. Please use the template (below) in order to prepare the abstract and if you are using your own LaTeX template, please try to mimic the layout.
Workshop Organizers
- Nina Beranek
- Lewin Ernst
- Moritz Feuerle
- Constantin Greif
- Julian Henning
- Samuel Knaus
- Alexander Reinhold
Institute of Numerical Mathematics
Ulm University
Director: Prof. Dr. Karsten Urban