Research Assistant
Helmholtzstrasse 18 | email: felix.burkhardt(at) | tel: 07 31 - 50 323 54 |
89081 Ulm | room: 1.04 | fax: 07 31 - 50-323 59 |
Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany |
office hours by arrangement
Helmholtzstrasse 18 | email: felix.burkhardt(at) | tel: 07 31 - 50 323 54 |
89081 Ulm | room: 1.04 | fax: 07 31 - 50-323 59 |
Baden-Wuerttemberg Germany |
office hours by arrangement
since 2019 | Research assistant to Professor Martin Mueller, Institute of Sustainable Corporate Management, Ulm University |
2018 - 2019 | Student assistant Institute of Sustainable Corporate Management, Ulm University |
before | engagement as Young Leader for Managers without Borders, Kenia; several company placements |