Publications Dr. Maximilian Förster


Maximilian Förster:
Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Social Interaction – Contributions with a Focus on Social Media and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Dissertation, Universität Ulm 2021

Refereed Papers in Scientific Journals

Julia Brasse, Maximilian Förster, Philipp Hühn, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier, Lars Moestue:
Preparing for the future of work: a novel data-driven approach for the identification of future skills
In: Journal of Business Economics (2023), 1-34.

Julia Brasse, Hanna Rebecca Broder, Maximilian Förster, Mathias Klier und Irina Sigler:
Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems: A Review of the Status Quo and Future Research Directions
In: Electronic Markets (2023).

Maximilian Förster, Philipp Hühn, Mathias Klier, Kilian Kluge:
User-centric explainable AI: design and evaluation of an approach to generate coherent counterfactual explanations for structured data
In: Journal of Decision Systems (2022).

Maximilian Förster, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier, Katharina Schäfer-Siebert, Irina Sigler:
Leveraging the Power of Peer Groups for Refugee Integration - A Randomized Field Experiment Comparing Online and Offline Peer Groups
In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (2021), Online First.

Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings

Marie Walter, Hanna Broder, Maximilian Förster:
Boosting Benefits, Offsetting Obstacles - the Impact of Explanations on AI Users' Task Performance
In: Proceedings of the Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023, Paderborn, Germany.

Maximilian Förster:
Same but Different – How Users Benefit in Online Peer Groups Depending on their User Role.
In: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2021, Marrakesch, Marokko.

Maximilian Förster, Philipp Hühn, Mathias Klier, Kilian Kluge:
Capturing Users’ Reality: A Novel Approach to Generate Coherent Counterfactual Explanations
In: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2021, Manoa, USA.

Maximilian Förster, Mathias Klier, Kilian Kluge, Irina Sigler:
Fostering Human Agency: A Process for the Design of User-Centric XAI Systems
In: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020, Indien.

Patrick Bedué, Maximilian Förster, Mathias Klier, Kilian Zepf:
Getting to the Heart of Groups – Analyzing Social Support and Sentiment in Online Peer Groups
In: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020, Indien.

Maximilian Förster, Mathias Klier, Kilian Kluge, Irina Sigler:
Evaluating Explainable Artificial Intelligence - What Users Really Appreciate
In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2020, Marrakesch, Marokko.

Annette Felgenhauer, Maximilian Förster, Katharina Kaufmann, Julia Klier, Mathias Klier:
Online Peer Groups - A Design-oriented Approach to Addressing the Unemployment of People with Complex Barriers
In: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2019, Stockholm, Schweden.

Maximilian Förster, Birgit Stelzer, Edgar Schiebel:
Stochastic Analysis of Citation Time Series of Emergent Research Topics
In: Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI) 2018, Leiden, Netherlands.

Transfer-oriented papers

Mathias Klier, Bernd Heinrich, Julia Klier, Julia Brasse, Maximilian Förster, Philipp Hühn, Lars Moestue:
Future Skills: Welche Kompetenzen für den Standort Baden-Württemberg heute und in Zukunft erfolgskritisch sind
Studienbericht, Herausgeber: AgenturQ

Mathias Klier, Maximilian Förster, Kilian Kluge, Mathias Peters:
Erklären. Begründen. Vertrauen schaffen. Gestaltung interaktiver User Experience mit Erklärbarer KI

Holger Bähr, Hanna Broder, Martin Dietz, Maximilian Förster, Mathias Klier:
Neue Wege bei Beratung und Arbeitsvermittlung durch Digitalisierung: Online-Chat ermöglicht Informationsaustausch und gegenseitige Unterstützung 
IAB-Kurzbericht 9 (2022).

Julia Brasse, Maximilian Förster, Kilian Kluge, Mathias Peters:
Einblick geben und Vertrauen ermöglichen: Bessere User Experience mit Erklärbarer KI
Informatik Aktuell (03. Januar 2023)