Business Information Management


Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier
Institute of Business Analytics
Ulm University


Helmholtzstr. 22
89081 Ulm
Room E 07

Phone: +49 (0) 7 31 50-3 23 12
E-mail: mathias.klier(at)

Péter Horváth Endowed Professorship for Business Information Management

Mathias Klier is a professor of business administration with a focus on business information management at the Institute for Business Analytics at the University of Ulm. In our research, we work as an interdisciplinary and application-oriented research group, especially on topics in the areas of Big Data Analytics, Data Quality, (Explainable) Artifical Intelligence, Social Media and Social Impact of Information Systems.



Anette Lesle, Fremdsprachensekretärin, Institut für Business Analytics
Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier
Julia Brasse, Institut für Business Analytics
Julia Brasse
Lukas Hägele, Academic Associate, Institute of Business Analytics
Lukas Hägele
Mike Rothenhäusler, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Mike Rothenhäusler
Christian Sparn, Akademischer Mitarbeiter, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Christian Sparn
Dr. Patrick Bedué
Dr. Patrick Bedué
Hanna Broder, Academic Associate, Mathias Klier, Institute of Business Analytics
Hanna Broder
Lars Moestue, Akademischer Mitarbeiter, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Lars Moestue
Philipp Schröppel, Academic Associate, Mathias Klier, Institute of Business Analytics
Philipp Schröppel
Marie Christine Walter, Akademische Mitarbeiterin, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Marie Christine Walter
Sven Bottesch, Academic Associate, Mathias Klier, Institute of Business Analytics
Sven Bottesch
Dr. Maximilian Förster, Akademischer Mitarbeiter, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Dr. Maximilian Förster
Andreas Obermeier, Post-Doc, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Dr. Andreas Obermeier
Chiara Schwenke, Akademische Mitarbeiterin, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Chiara Schwenke
Torben Widmann, Akademischer Mitarbeiter, Mathias Klier, Institut für Business Analytics
Torben Widmann

More about the Péter Horváth Endowed Professorship

Big Data Analytics:

Methods for automated analysis are needed to tap into the treasure trove of data available to companies today. In the topic area of Big Data Analytics & AI, concrete application possibilities and the resulting benefits of artificial intelligence methods in the analysis of (un)structured data are being researched. For example, in the following projects:

Data quality:

Much of the ever-increasing amount of data in companies is characterised by low data quality. This results in high economic losses. However, lack of data quality is not only a major problem in companies - in times of "fake news", the need for reliable information is also increasing in politics and society. Therefore, quantitative methods are needed to measure, control and improve data quality. This is what is being done in these research projects:

Explainable Artifical Intelligence:

Fully automated decisions by AI systems are rejected by many citizens and sometimes cause great fear. Therefore, it is inevitable, especially for companies that use intelligent systems, to increase their acceptance by their customers and consumers. In the field of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), research is therefore being conducted in particular on the comprehensibility of AI decisions from the user's point of view. This is being done in the following projects, for example:

Social Media and Social Impact of IS:

Social media have become an integral part of our society. They make it possible to carry out parts of value creation, such as product development, sales, branding and service, together with market participants in a distributed and digitalised way. Social media can also make a valuable contribution within a company - for example, by improving the exchange of information and knowledge in enterprise social networks. However, they can also make a major contribution to pressing social problems and challenges such as (youth) unemployment. We are conducting research on this in the following projects:

Mathias Klier and his team have authored numerous articles in books and journals such as ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Decision Support Systems, Electronic Markets, Journal of Information Science, and Journal of Management Information Systems. Furthermore, the results of their work have been presented at international scientific conferences such as the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the International Conference on Information Systems (Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik; short: WI).

Click here for the list of publications.

Student assistants

  • Lara Frost
  • Christina Gruber
  • Philipp Klotz
  • Hannah Knehr
  • Niklas Köhler
  • Moritz Podiebrad
  • Annika Rathai
  • Maximilian Schröder
  • Julia von Bredow


  • Irina Siegler
  • Kilian Kluge
  • Patrick Bedué
  • Roland Gräf
  • Felix Zolitschka
  • Katharina Schäfer-Siebert
  • Anette Felgenhauer