Beginn der Veranstaltung Produktmanagement I

Ulm University

Die Vorlesung Produktmanagement I von Herrn Prof. Leo Brecht beginnt am Donnerstag, den 19.04.2018 und findet von 10 bis 12 Uhr in N24 Raum 251 statt.


Product Management is an important business process of market-oriented corporate management, because it plans and controls all short-term and long-term product related actions and decisions.

All long-term actions are planned in the Life Cycle Strategy processes (the Bulls Eye of the key visual). The short-term actions are planned and executed during the product's life cycle.

In ProMM I the students learn the process of modern product management in B2B companies, the necessary techniques to realize the processes and they get a deep insight in the challenges of engineering driven B2B companies within a more and more globalized market field.