D. Gallenmüller: Measure-valued low Mach number limits of ideal fluids. Preprint, 2021. arXiv
D. Gallenmüller, E. Wiedemann: Which measure-valued solutions of the monoatomic gas equations are generated by weak solutions? Preprint, 2021. arXiv
D. Gallenmüller: Müller-Zhang truncation for general linear constraints with first or second order potential. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 60 (2021), no. 3, Paper No. 118.
D. Gallenmüller, E. Wiedemann: On the Selection of Measure-Valued Solutions for the Isentropic Euler System. J. Differential Equations 271 (2021), 979–1006.
Obtained PhD at the Institute of Applied Analysis at Ulm University (2022)
Master Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at LMU Munich (2018)