Wissenschaftszentrum Schloß Reisensburg der Universität Ulm
Bürgermeister-Johann-Müller-Strasse 1
89312 Günzburg

Directions by train
The railway station to the castle is 'Günzburg'. The railway station lies on the distance Stuttgart - Ulm - Augsburg - München. Unfortunately, from the railway station 'Günzburg' no public means of transport are driving to the castle. That's why you should take a taxi.
Walking directions from the railway station (2.2 km, about 25 minutes)
From the railway station left in Siemensstrasse, from there further up to to Dillinger Strasse (B10 and B16), after approx. 250 m turn left in the Reisensburger Strasse, later Günzburger Strasse, then left in the Weihergasse up to the castle.
Directions by car
Directions of the motorway exit Günzburg (A8):
Further on the B16 direction Günzburg up to the roundabout Günzburg-Nord. Turn left on the B10/Dillinger Strasse and after approx. 150 m turn left in the Reisensburger Strasse. After approx. 700 m further on the Günzburger Strasse turn left at the village church in the Georg-Lachner-Strasse and finally left in the Bürgermeister-Johann-Strasse up to the castle.
Directions from Ulm (B10):
From the B10 coming in Günzburg right in the Dillinger Strasse in the direction of the castle. After approx. 150 m turn left in the Reisensburger Strasse. In Reisensburg on the Günzburger Strasse turn left in the Georg-Lachner-Strasse. Then left in the Bürgermeister-Johann-Strasse up to the castle.