Academic Affairs Committee Management and Economics

Meeting dates in the winter term 2024/25

1. Session: October 23rd, 2023                              2:15 pm                            2.03, Helmholtzstraße 18    

2. Session: November 20th, 2023                             2:15 pm                            2.03, Helmholtzstraße 18

3. Session: January 22nd, 2024                                 2:15 pm                            2.03, Helmholtzstraße 18

(Subject to modifications)


Dr. Alexander Rieber
Academic Advisor
Helmholtzstr. 18, room no. 1.22
phone: +49 (0) 731 50-23594
office hours: Thursday 14:30 - 16:00,
during the lecture-free period: by arrangement

Canan Kaplan
Office of the Academic Affairs Committee
Helmholtzstr. 18, room no. 1.24
phone: +49 (0) 731/50-23585