Reasoning System Konclude
Konclude is a high-performance reasoner for large and expressive ontologies, which is developed here at the University of Ulm by Andreas Steigmiller, Thorsten Liebig and Birte Glimm. The supported ontology language is formally characterised by the Description Logic (DL) SROIQV(D). In other words, Konclude can handle all of the Web Ontology Language (OWL 2) with almost all datatypes. In addition, Konclude supports nominal schemas, which allows for expressing arbitrary DL-safe rules simply by using given ontology syntax extended with variables.
Konclude can be used via OWLlink as an OWLlink server as well as via command line. For applications that use the OWL API, the OWLlink OWL API Adapter can be used to link with a Konclude server. As of now, the reasoning engine offers the most common reasoning services such as classification, realisation, queries for sub-classes, class instances or types of individuals.
Parallel, High-Performance Reasoning
Konclude implements a highly optimised version of the sound and complete tableau calculus enhanced with sophisticated preprocessing methods and tableau saturation. Furthermore, the system can take advantage of multiple cores within a shared memory environment. Although still under development, Konclude performs eminently well for common reasoning tasks with ontologies from all OWL 2 language profiles. For instance, Konclude has won 3 out of 9 benchmark categories at the OWL Reasoner Evaluation Competition 2013 (ORE 2013), 5 out of 6 benchmark categories at the OWL Reasoner Evaluation Competition 2014 (ORE 2014), and 4 out of 6 categories at the OWL Reasoner Evaluation Competition 2015 (ORE 2015).
More Information
More information about Konclude can be obtained form Konclude's web page.