Preliminary Program
Program might be subject to changes, please check the program closer to the conference
date or use the conference app (coming soon) for an up to date program
Plenary Speakers

Opening lecture: Jean-Marie Lehn
University of Strasbourg

Opening Lecture: Daniel Nocera
Harvard University

Leticia González
University of Vienna

Sherri McFarland
The University of Texas at Arlington

Dirk Guldi
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen

Claudia Turro
Ohio State University

Osamu Ishitani
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers

Stefan Bernhard
Carnegie Mellon University

Luisa de Cola
University of Milan & Institute Mario Negri

Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson
Trinity College Dublin

James McCusker
Michigan State University

Peter Sadler
University of Warwick

Wesley Browne
University of Groningen

Elizabeth Gibson
Newcastle University

Licheng Sun
Westlake University & Royal Institute of Technology

Andrea Pannwitz
University of Ulm

Michael Wolf
University of British Columbia

Paola Ceroni
University of Bologna

Ksenija Glusac
University of Illinois

Antoni Llobet
Institut Catalá d'Investigació Química

Petter Persson
Lund University