Have a question?
Write an email to freemover(at)uni-ulm.de.
are students at a foreign university
After successful application visiting students will be admitted as temporary non-degree students for a maximum period of two semesters. Once they are admitted, temporary students have the same rights and obligations as degree seeking students, but they cannot earn a degree from Universität Ulm.
Most study programmes offered at Ulm University are open for applications from Free Movers.
However, we cannot accept Free Movers into the following programmes:
Admission to Undergraduate Programmes:
Admission to Graduate Programmes: in the field for which the student applies as visiting student (at the beginning of the study abroad period at Universität Ulm)
Please note: if both English and German are used as language of instruction, proof of proficiency in both languages must be submitted
All temporary non-degree students have to pay the following fees
For amounts and details refer to the information of the registrar's office. Please note: These fees are different from the tuition fees charged to non-EU students!
Tuition fees for non-EU students: Non-EU students who wish to enroll for courses or do their final thesis at Ulm University are also subject to tuition fees. No tuition fees are charged to students who come exclusively for research, however they must pay the fees listed above.
Download Application Form
Additional Documents:
German universities do not award any scholarships or provide financial aid. Incomings may apply for a scholarship at any institution in their home country or at German institutions through the German Embassy, the Goethe-Institute or the DAAD office (German Academic Exchange Service) in their home country.
The International Office does not provide accommodation for temporary visiting students.
Have a question?
Write an email to freemover(at)uni-ulm.de.
For winter semester (October - March): July 15
For summer semester (April - September): January 15
Students who need to apply for a visa are strongly advised to submit their application six months before the beginning of the study period at Ulm.
Please note: Students who receive an Erasmus+ Traineeship grant from their home university may not register as free mover! Instead, the hosting department must arrange for an internship contract with the human resource department.