Application Forms and Instructions for Exchange Students

Application Deadlines + Contact Information

Fall Semester ("Wintersemester")
Exchange Period starting in September/October

May 15

Spring Semester ("Sommersemester")
Exchange Period starting in March/April

November 15

Clinical Hospital Rotation Periods
only available for two full months during July and August

January 31

Individual Periods
(Final Thesis/Project Work)

At least 6 months
in advance

Application Procedure

All students need to be nominated by their home university first.
We will then send you a registration link for our Online Platform "Mobility Online".
From 2019/20 on, only applications via "Mobility Online"  will be accepted.

Mobility Online Manual

Fact Sheet 2024/2025 (PDF)

No handwriting - Use the computer to fill out all forms. Forms filled out manually will not be processed!

If PDF-forms are opened in your browser, you may not be able to fill them out electronically. Then you must save them to your computer first. If you only have Acrobat Reader, you will not be able to save the completed forms. Print out the forms immediately before closing the file.

Placements / Traineeships

Ulm University does not manage work placements/traineeships in industry on the basis of bilateral agreements.


No Tuition Fees for Exchange Students

Exchange Students studying for one or two exchange semesters at Ulm University in the frame of a bilateral or Baden-Wuerttemberg Exchange Agreement are exempt from paying tuition fees (€ 1.500 per semester). The same applies to Double Degree Students if the mutual agreement between Ulm University and their home institution includes a tuition waiver at the partner institution (which is usually the case).