PROMOS Scholarship Programme


The PROMOS programme supports self-organised exchanges by students and PhD students. The programme is run by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) and is being financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF). Its aim is to increase mobility among students from German universities.

The International Office of Ulm University focuses on supporting the following types of exchange:

Type of exchange 




Master Theses



Min. 1 month up to max. 6 months

Research Papers (Teacher Trainees)


Teacher trainees (Lehramtsstudierende)

Min. 1 month up to max. 6 months

Internships (incl. PJ-Tertiale)

Worldwide (except ERASMUS region)


Min. 6 weeks up to max. 6 months

Study Visits

Worldwide (except ERASMUS region)


Min. 1 month up to max. 6 months

Language Courses


PhD students

Min. 3 weeks up to max. 6 months

Specialist Courses


PhD students

Up to 6 weeks

Study Trips (Groups)


PhD students

Up to 12 days

Information for Individuals

Students who are enrolled at Ulm University and are

  • German citizens,
  • Equal to German citizens (according to definition in BAföG (German Federal Law on Training and Education Promotion), or
  • Non-German and enrolled at Ulm University as a degree student.

Please note: 

  1. Students must remain enrolled at Ulm University during the entire duration of their PROMOS scholarship.
  2. International students are not allowed to finance a stay in their home country through a PROMOS scholarship. The country in which the student has spent the majority of time during the past five years counts as home country for the purposes of a PROMOS application.

Master theses (worldwide)
Stays of at least one month at universities abroad with the aim of writing or preparing a master thesis can be sponsored up to six months.

Research papers of teacher trainees (Lehramtsstudierende) (worldwide)
Stays of at least one month of teacher trainees at universities abroad with the aim of writing or preparing a research paper can be sponsored up to six months.

Internships (incl. PJ-Tertial Medicine) (worldwide, except ERASMUS region)
Stays of at least six weeks in foreign countries for internships can be sponsored up to six months. Internships in countries participating in the ERASMUS programme can generally not be funded. In exceptional cases internships in Erasmus countries can be funded, if  it is not eligible for funding by the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme. Please note: despite the BREXIT, internships in UK can still be funded by the the Erasmus+ Traineeship programme (est. until 09/2022).

Study Visits (worldwide, except ERASMUS region):
Stays of at least one month at foreign universities as part of a study programme can be sponsored up to six months. Study visits leading to a foreign university degree are not eligible. Study programmes in countries participating in the ERASMUS programme cannot be sponsored.

Language courses (worldwide)
Stays of three weeks in foreign countries for participating in a language course can be sponsored up to six months. In order to qualify for a scholarship, the course has to be organised by a university or well-established language institute and has to consist of at least 25 hours of lessons per weeks.

Specialist courses (worldwide)
Stays in foreign countries with the aim of participating in a specialist course can be supported up to six weeks. Specialist courses are for example summer courses/schools or workshops at universities or similar institutions.
Trips for giving lectures or taking part in a congress cannot be supported. Please refer to the DAAD-website of the congress-Programm for fundings.

Study trips of groups (worldwide)
For detailed information on the support of study trips, please refer to the information given below (“Study Trips”).

The funding is country-specific and calculated as follows:

  • Travel allowance +  (x) monthly payments + course fees if applicable

In the column on the right hand side, a document stating the current funding rates can be downloaded. Please note: The maximum funding rates are depicted here. Due to high application numbers and limited funding, many applications that fulfill all requirements only receive partial or no funding.

The following table gives an overview of the types of financial support that can be granted for the different types of exchanges.

Type of Exchange

Monthly pPayment

Travel Lump Sum

Course Fees

Lump Sum (Study Trips of Groups)

Financial Support

Country-specific (approx. 300 € - 400 € per month)


500 € per person

Country-specific (approx. 30 € - 45 € per person and day)

Master Theses





Research Papers (Teacher Trainees)





Internships (incl. PJ-Tertiale)





Study Visits





Language Courses





Specialist Courses





Study Trips (Groups)





If you receive any other (partial) scholarships, you need to state this on your application for a PROMOS scholarship!

Scholarship donors of other publicly funded scholarships have to be informed about the PROMOS funding!

    Students may be sponsored for different types of exchanges within one educational phase (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Magister, State examination, …). Within one educational phase, students may only be sponsored by PROMOS for up to six months in total.
  2. Erasmus+ and PROMOS
    Financial support through Erasmus+ and PROMOS may not be granted simultaneously.
  3. BAföG and PROMOS
    Students must inform the office of Auslands-BAföG about their PROMOS scholarship. The offsetting of PROMOS funding and payments through Auslands-BAföG is always made at the office of Auslands-BAföG.
  4. DAAD Individual Scholarships and PROMOS
    Financial support through DAAD individual scholarships and PROMOS may not be granted simultaneously.
  5. Deutschlandstipendium and PROMOS
    Financial support through Deutschlandstipendium and PROMOS may be granted simultaneously.
  6. German publicly funded scholarships and PROMOS
    The student must state their support through PROMOS on any other application for a scholarship. They may only receive financial aid from at most one public source at any given time. If an exchange is being sponsored by German public funds, it is important which purpose is being pursued. This means that funding through PROMOS is not possible if the same purpose is already being pursued by other German public funds.

  • It is strongly advised to pay attention to the Travel and Safety Information and especially the (Partial) Travel Warnings of the Federal Foreign Office. If a (Partial) Travel Warning from the Federal Foreign Office exists, it is strongly recommended to follow the appeal of the Federal Foreign Office and refrain from traveling to the relevant region. (Posted on 25.02.2021)
  • Before their leave, German students should register with the Federal Foreign Office (“Elektronische Erfassung von Deutschen im Ausland”), especially if the security situation in the respective country is critical.
  • Please find further information on the safe organization of your stays abroad on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.
  • Students need to be enrolled while receiving a PROMOS scholarship. If necessary, they may apply for up to two semester of academic leave. (Note: It is not possible to go on academic leave during the PJ-Tertial in medicine.)
  • Students must inform the office for BAföG about their PROMOS scholarship. The offsetting of PROMOS funding and payments through "Auslands-BAföG" is always made at the office responsible for the BAföG administration.



Application process for individual persons

These are the standard application deadlines – always subject to funding approval by the DAAD:

  • January 15, 20XX (for stays starting between January and April of the same year)
  • May 15, 20XX (for stays starting between May and September of the same year)
  • October 15, 20XX (for stays starting between October and December of the same year)

Please note:

  1. Please submit your applications no earlier than four months before the application deadline (i.e., not before the preceding application date). Otherwise, we will unfortunately have to cancel them.
  2. Only applications submitted on time and complete will be considered.
  3. A decision regarding the selection will be announced four to six weeks after the application deadline.

Please apply using the online application link (see right column).

The required application documents differ depending on what you intend to do during your time abroad:

 Personal statementCVCertificate of enrolementTranscript of records/ performance recordsLetter of acceptance from host institutionRecommendation of a lecturerSufficiency proof for working languageConfirmation of the supervisorLearning Agreement
Master Theses



Research Papers (Teacher Trainees)



Internships (incl. PJ-Tertiale)



XXXX*X-only PJ (form)
Study Visits



XXXX*X-X (form)
Language Courses


Specialist Courses



X* = Form downloadable in Mobility Online; completed and signed recommendation forms must be submitted before the application deadline to promos(at)!
X** = Course reservation with information about program contents (topics covered, hours/week), including start and end date

In case you need a language sufficiency proof of the working language, it can be issued by one of the Language Centre’s (Centre for Languages and Philology, ZSP) teachers. (no TOEFL-test or the like).

The comparability of the language skills is important. Hence, your language sufficiency proof must be based on the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages” (A1 up to C2) and must assess all four spheres of competence (listening, speaking, writing, reading).

If the application requires a language sufficiency proof, language skills that are equivalent to at least B2 are expected.

In order to get your Practical Year recognised by the “Landesprüfungsamt” (LPA), your language skills need to be equivalent to B2 (in all four spheres of competence: listening, speaking, writing, reading).

In case you need a language sufficiency proof of the working language, it can be issued by one of the Language Centre’s (Centre for Languages and Philology, ZSP) teachers. (no TOEFL-test or the like). In general, language tests have a validity of up to two years after the date of issue.

Information for Scholarship Holders

The PROMOS scholarship programme does not include any insurances. However, scholarship students have the possibility to take out an insurance policy via the DAAD.

The following rates could be of interest:

  • 720 (German trainees abroad)
  • 726 (German (PhD) students in Europe)
  • 750 (German (PhD) students worldwide)

Further Information (in German only) can be found here:  Versicherungsschutz im Ausland


  • Please inform us immediately, if any information concerning the scholarship or your project abroad changes.
  • Please note that you are obliged to inform the PROMOS project manager and other scholarship donors if you do receive additional funding for your project abroad.
  • Stipendiaries must inform the office of Auslands-BAföG about their PROMOS scholarship. The offsetting of PROMOS funding and payments through Auslands-BAföG is always made at the office of Auslands-BAföG.


In order to start your schoalrship payments, you have to hand in the following document via the online platform within one week after arriving at your host institution:

  • Arrival Confirmation

Within one month after the end of your subject-related stay at your host facility the following documents need to be handed in via the online platform:

  • Attendance Confirmation
  • Final Report

An extension of your stay for private reasons or holidays does not have any impact on the deadline.

Field Reports From Former Scholarship Holders

All the reports are only availiable in German.

Sustainable Corporate Management / Warmadewa / Indonesia

Psychology/ Swineburne University of Technology / Australia


The International Office accepts no responsibility for the content of these reports.

Wroclaw University of Economics / Poland

Audencia Business School / France


The International Office accepts no responsibility for the content of these reports.

Study trips for groups

  • Study trips abroad (worldwide)
    Study trips of up to 12 days can be funded by a subsistence allowance (see current PROMOS funding rates). Furthermore, at most one accompanying representative of the university may be funded.

In addition to conveying subject-related knowledge and giving an insight into life in the host country, the encounter with local students and scientists should be the focus of the trip.

Associates of Ulm University, who are organizing a study trip for students or PHD students of Ulm University, can apply for funding through the PROMOS programme.

Study trips can be funded by a country specific subsistence allowance per person and day. The funding is calculated as follows:

       country specific allowance  x  number of participants  x  days

For this year’s current country specific subsistence allowances, please refer to the document which can be downloaded in the column on the right hand side.

At most one accompanying representative of the university can be funded.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the actual amount of your funding will be reduced according to a reduced number of participants and days. (For calculation refer to "What is included in the funding?")

If you receive any other (partial) scholarships, you need to state this on your application for a PROMOS scholarship!

Scholarship donors of other publicly funded scholarships have to be informed about the PROMOS funding!

The following documents must be provided:

  • Declaration of acceptance / commitment including signed participant list (form)
  • Final report (informal)
  • Statement of costs (informal)

​​​​​​​IMPORTANT: Please note that the actual amount of your funding will be reduced according to a reduced number of participants and days (for calculation refer to "What is included in the funding?").

The regular application deadlines for future funding, given the DAAD’s approval, are as follows:

- January 15, 20XX (for exchanges starting January of the same year)
- May 15, 20XX (for exchanges starting May of the same year)
- October 15, 20XX (for exchanges starting October of the same year)

The selection decision is made public 4-6 weeks after the application deadline.

Your stay in the foreign country should commence six months after the application deadline at the latest.

After consultation, applications may be submitted outside the regular deadlines; please direct any questions to promos(at)

Please use the form “Antragsformular für Studienreisen” in the column in the right hand side and send it via email or mail to the International Office.

Moodle Course "Wege ins Ausland"

Sign up for our Moodle course “Ways to Go Abroad”:

Wege ins Ausland

Here you will find the slides from our information events, the most recent International Week, and additional resources.

Send us an e-mail:

Yearly Application Deadlines:
  • January 15 for stays starting from January*
  • May 15 for stays starting from May*
  • October 15 for stays starting from October*
    *of the same year

For more information please check:
“Applications from Individuals” – “When can I apply?”

Funding Rates:

Funding Rates 2025

Please note

  1. The maximum funding rates are depicted here.
  2. We only have limited funding. Therefore, applications must unfortunately be rejected, even if all requirements are met.

Erasmus+ Traineeships: Worldwide Support for Work Placements

Since 2021, Erasmus+ has also supported worldwide internships. Given the limited PROMOS budget and the generally more favorable funding conditions offered by Erasmus+, we recommend applying for an Erasmus+ grant if your planned project meets the key eligibility criteria. Please note that receiving both Erasmus+ and PROMOS funding for the same project is not possible.

For detailed information on Erasmus+ support for worldwide internships and the application process, please visit the KOOR – Erasmus Services BW website.

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