Partners & Alliances

Our Alliances


Ulm University is a member of the European University Alliance EU.ACE (European University for Academic Continuing Education), which focuses on the development of innovative, tailor-made lifelong learning pathways as an integral part of the Bologna system and the European Education Area in order to meet the demands of 21st century society and the labour market.

Our partners in this alliance:




Ulm University is a member of the university network YERUN. The abbreviation stands for Young European Research Universities Network.

YERUN is an association of currently 23 European partner universities and has a network office in Brussels.


State-to-state programs Baden-Württemberg

Ulm University cooperates with alliances of universities in the USA and Canada within the framework of state-to-state programs. There are long-standing partnerships with these alliances with universities in Baden-Württemberg. The exchange within the framework of the state-to-state programs is coordinated by different universities in Baden-Württemberg.

Here is a list of our state-to-state programs:

Mobility-Online Search Portal



Our Partner Institutions

European Partner Institutions (as part of Erasmus+)

We cooperate with a large number of European universities within the framework of Erasmus+. Students as well as teaching and administrative staff are exchanged, usually receiving Erasmus grants.

Overseas Partner Institutions (outside Europe)

We have bilateral exchange relationships with a large number of universities worldwide. Students receive tuition waivers as part of these exchanges and often receive scholarships from various funding programs, such as the Baden-Württemberg Foundation.