Online Advising

Study-Abroad Advising for Students of Ulm University (Outgoings)

Study Abroad Advisor

Advising (online):
Thursdays, 17:00-19:00, CET.

Zoom Link

No advising August 1 - September 15, 2024

Advising for Exchange Students from Partner Universities (Incomings)

Incoming Students Support Team

Advising (online)
Tuesdays, 16:00-17:00, CET.

Zoom Link

Ulma can help you day and night, even on weekends. And Ulma knows quite a lot.

Click on the Logo at the bottom right of the screen, answer a few questions so that Ulma can better understand your question and match them with the correct information.

Please give us feedback at the end of your chat, because that helps Ulma to learn and improve.

Or have a chat with Ulma