Websites mainly in German!
- Museum Ulm (art, history), Marktplatz 9
- Stadthaus Ulm, Münsterplatz 50
- kunsthalle weishaupt (modern art); Hans-und-Sophie-Scholl-Platz 1
- Edwin Scharff Museum (art and children’s museum), Petrusplatz 4
- Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum, Schillerstraße 1
- Museum Brot und Kunst (museum of bread and art), Salzstadelgasse 10
- Naturmuseum Ulm, Kornhausgasse 3
- Bundesfestung Ulm (general information about all fortresses), Bahnwaldstraße 11
- Fort and KZ-Gedenkstätte Oberer Kuhberg (19th century fortification and nazi concentration camp memorial in Ulm), Am Hochsträss 1
- Wilhelmsburg Ulm, Prittwitzstraße 100
Volkshochschulen (adult education centres)
The Volkshochschulen of Ulm and Neu-Ulm offer a big variety of courses for everyone (yoga, cooking, political discussions, arts and languages etc.).
- Ulmer Volkshochschule (only in German!), EinsteinHaus, Kornhausplatz 5, 89073 Ulm
- Volkshochschule Landkreis Neu-Ulm (only in German!), Josef-Forster-Straße 2a, 89257 Illertissen
- Familien-Bildungsstätte Ulm e.V. (only in German!), Sattlergasse 6, 89073 Ulm
City libraries
- Stadtbibliothek Ulm (only in German!), Vestgasse 1 (next to city hall Ulm)
The new Stadtbibliothek Ulm (municipal library of Ulm) is built like a glass pyramid and is always worth a visit. - Stadtbücherei Neu-Ulm, (only in German!), Heiner-Metzger-Platz 1