Scholarships for international students and doctoral students

STIBET Scholarship

International students of Ulm University who have registered their thesis or who are nearing graduation can apply for a STIBET scholarship for Finishing a University Degree (Abschlussstipendium). Applicants must be pursuing their studies successfully and also experiencing financial stress.

STIBET scholarships can be awarded for a maximum of one semester and are not intended as long-term funding. Award amount and duration are dependent on the applicant's situation and funds available.

A prerequisite for a STIBET Finishing a University Degree scholarship is that the applicants have demonstrated academic success and are expected to complete their studies within one year. STIBET scholarships are intended to enable international students and doctoral candidates who are experiencing financial distress (through no fault of their own) to concentrate on completing their degree.

Award restrictions: Scholarships will not be awarded to applicants who are simultaneously receiving other funding from domestic or foreign agencies for the same purpose. Furthermore, employees of the state of Baden-Württemberg (e.g. scientific or student assistants, tutors) cannot receive a scholarship during their employment.

Please submit the following documents via the Mobility Online portal (not by email!):

  • Summary of study records
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Current enrollment certificate
  • Income statements (bank statements for the last 3 months for all accounts)
  • If applicable: other evidence of financial hardship
  • If applicable: thesis registration certificate
  • If applicable: evidence and explanation of social involvement or volunteer activities

Grants can be awarded for up to six months and, in exceptional cases, up to twelve months.

Grants are awarded for at least 250 euros per month. The scholarships are funded by the DAAD with funds from the German Federal Foreign Office (AA).

A selection committee decides on the STIBET scholarship applications. This committee usually meets in the month following the application deadline. The International Office then sends out funding decisions and rejections to the applicants in a timely manner after this.

Other Scholarships & BAföG

Scholarship information

Scholarship Eligibility

Only students and doctoral students currently enrolled at Ulm University are eligible for the scholarships and grants listed on this website. 

Application Deadline

29.02. and 30.09.

Online Application

Since 2022 we only accept online applications submitted via our Mobility Online portal. Apply now using this application link!