
DAAD Prize for International Students – Nominations by 20 October 2023

Ulm University

This year, as in past years, Ulm University will award the DAAD Prize to a foreign student of Ulm University for their outstanding academic performance and civil engagement.  The prize is worth 1,000 Euros.

The candidates must fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • They must have been awarded their university entrance qualification abroad (German schools abroad included) and currently be pursuing their studies in Germany.
  • They should stand out due to (1) excellent academic achievements and (2) a remarkable social or intercultural commitment.
  • If possible, they should be in an advanced stage of their bachelor’s/master’s programme; however, recent graduates or Ph.D. students may be nominated as well.

Unfortunately, the following cases are not possible:

  • The DAAD Prize cannot be given to students/recent graduates who have already received ascholarship funding from the DAAD or any other public funding organizations in the same year.
  • The DAAD Prize is not a research award and is not intended for honouring a Ph.D. thesis.
  • The award cannot be shared.

Please send us your nominations by 20 October 2023 with the Nomination Sheet attached. Afterwards a selection committee will decide on the award of the prize.

Please send your suggestions to:
Ms. Brigitte Sleiers at the International Office of Ulm University, Helmholtzstraße 22, 89081 Ulm

We are looking forward to receiving your nominations.