Diese neue Veranstaltung findet voraussichtlich im Sommersemester 2025 das erste Mal statt. Weitere Informationen in Kürze auf dieser Seite.
Systems Performance – Evaluation, Engineering, and Diagnostics (SPEED)
Titel: | Systems Performance – Evaluation, Engineering und Diagnostik |
Englischer Titel: | Systems Performance – Evaluation, Engineering, and Diagnostics |
Typ: | |
Kürzel / Nr. / Modulnr.: | SPEED / CS6976.000 / 15675 |
SWS / LP: | 2V+2Ü / 6LP |
Dozent: | Dr. Benjamin Erb, Dr. Jörg Domaschka |
Betreuung: | Dr. Benjamin Erb, Dr. Jörg Domaschka |
Termine: | Lecture & Exercises every Monday 10:00 – 12:00 (028/1002) every Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 (028/1002; starting on 2025-04-23) |
Lernplattform: | For the course the e-learning system Moodle is used. Please register in the Moodle course. |
Notenbonus: | A grade bonus of 0,3 resp. 0,4 is given if certain requirements in the lab are passed successfully. Exact conditions will be specified in the first lecture. |
Prüfungstermine: | tba. |
Beschreibung und allgemeine Angaben | |
Einordnung in die Studiengänge: | Informatik, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Kernfach/Technische und Systemnahe Informatik Informatik, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Vertiefungsfach/Verteilte Systeme Künstliche Intelligenz, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Kernfach Künstliche Intelligenz/Technische und Systemnahe Informatik Medieninformatik, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Kernfach/Technische und Systemnahe Informatik Medieninformatik, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Vertiefungsfach Medieninformatik/Verteilte Systeme Software Engineering, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Kernfach/Technische und Systemnahe Informatik Software Engineering, M.Sc., FSPO 2021/Vertiefungsfach Software Engineering/Verteilte und Eingebettete Systeme Informatik, B.Sc., FSPO 2022/Vertiefungsbereich Informatik, M.Sc., FSPO 2022/Kernbereich Informatik/Technische Informatik Künstliche Intelligenz, M.Sc., FSPO 2022/Kernbereich Künstliche Intelligenz/Technische Informatik Medieninformatik, B.Sc., FSPO 2022/Vertiefungsbereich Medieninformatik, M.Sc., FSPO 2022/Kernbereich Medieninformatik/Technische Informatik Software Engineering, B.Sc., FSPO 2022/Vertiefungsbereich/SE Wahlbereich Software Engineering, M.Sc., FSPO 2022/Kernbereich Software Engineering/Technische Informatik |
Verantwortlich: | Prof. Dr. Frank Kargl |
Unterrichtssprache: | English |
Turnus / Dauer: | irregularly / one semester |
Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich): | Fundamentals of operating systems, computer networks and distributed systems |
Voraussetzungen (formal): | – |
Grundlage für (inhaltlich): | Projects, Bachelor’s and Master’s theses related to systems engineering |
Lernergebnisse: | Knowledge and Understanding:
Skills and Abilities:
Inhalt: | This course explores the fundamental principles, concepts, and methodologies for evaluating, engineering, and diagnosing the performance of computer systems. After covering the relevant statistical fundamentals, the course introduces key performance metrics, core measurement concepts, and established benchmarking techniques. Here, the course considers different types of computer systems and illustrates specific evaluation challenges as well as potential performance engineerings steps for these systems. Covered system types include applications, network-based services, distributed applications, database management systems, and cloud-based and containerized systems. In addition to the theoretical aspects introduced in the lecture, the labs will provide hands-on experience in testing and measuring performance characteristics of various types of systems. |
Literatur: | Lecture slides and selected literature referenced in the lecture. |
Bewertungsmethode: | The module examination consists of a graded written or oral examination, depending on the number of participants. If a specified academic work is achieved, a grade bonus is awarded in accordance with §17 (3a) of the General Examination Regulations at the immediately following examination. The examination grade is improved by one grade level, but not better than 1.0. An improvement from 5.0 to 4.0 is not possible. The examination form will be announced in good time before the examination is held - at least 4 weeks before the examination date. |
Notenbildung: | Grade of the module exam |
Arbeitsaufwand: | Active time: 60 h Preparation and evaluation: 120 h Sum: 180 h |